Permission to Use Copyrighted Material

PERMISSION TO USE COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, the undersigned, as copyright holder, hereby grants permission to _, to reprint, publish and use for world distribution the following material: (Describe or attach) _ This material shall be used only in the following manner or publication: (Define intended use) _ A credit line to acknowledge use of the material is _____ is not _____ (Check one) required. If required, the credit line shall read as follows: _ Dated: _ _______________________________ ...

Permission to Discuss Consumer File

TO: (name of consumer agency) Permission is hereby granted for (name of consumer reporting agency) to discuss the information about me contained in their file in the presence of (name of third party) _______________________ (Signatu...

Payment on Specific Accounts

PAYMENT ON SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS Date: _ To: _ We enclose our check in the amount of $_, to be credited to the following invoices only: Invoice/Debt Amount _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Very truly, ______________________________ ...

Party Announcement for New Product Line

COME CELEBRATE WITH US! We are previewing our NEW PRODUCT LINE on Thursday, June 17, 2006. We will be waiting for you at HAL'S STEAKHOUSE, at 1324 Culver Way in CENTURY CITY. The PARTY starts at 10:00 a. m. and continues until 10:00 p.m. We'll WINE YOU AND DINE YOU. WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THER...

Parts Arrival Notification

Dear We are happy to be able to inform you that the parts you ordered are now in stock and available for pick up at the above address. Please accept our sincerest apologies for the delay in delivery and we thank you for your patience in this matter. As always, it is our full intent to provide you with dependable and quality service, and in keeping with this goal, we appreciate your understanding in waiting. If we may be of further assistance, please call upon us at any tim...

Part Arrival Notice, Request to Schedule Service

Dear We have received the part for your (appliance). Several attempts have been made to contact you in order to complete your repairs. Please telephone us at (number) so that arrangements can be made to come to your home and complete this work. The total cost of the part is $ , including sales tax. This amount will be payable at the time of installation. Thank y...

Overdue Payment Reminder Letter

Dear Our records indicate that payment on your account is overdue in the amount of $ . If the amount has already been paid, please disregard this notice. If you have not yet mailed your payment, why not make out your check and place it in the enclosed envelope while this reminder is has your full attention. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this matte...

Order Referral to Local Dealer

Dear Your purchase order, number (number) was referred to my office. Your choice of the (model and number) is a wise wise and tasteful decision. We, however, market our products through appointed dealers, so as to insure uniformity of service and constant local representation. The name of the local dealer in your area is (dealer). Your order has been referred to his good offices. Thank you for choosing our product. If we may be of any help in the future, please contact this offi...

Offer to Special Order Merchandise Not in Stock

Dear After checking with all of our other stores in the area, I regret to inform you that I have been unable to locate another (item requested) for you. If you would like me to place a special order, I would be most happy to do so. Normally, it takes between four to six weeks to receive merchandise ordered in this manner. If this is your desire, please call me at your convenience at (telephone and extension). On behalf of (name of firm) I would like to thank you for shopping at our store and if there is any way that we can be of further assistance to you, please let us kn...

Offer to Loan Customers to Move December Payment

Dear (name of firm or institution) wants you to have a wonderful holiday season. We know that this is often a difficult period for many of our customers, inasmuch as in addition to their regular obligations there are so many nice things to do for their loved ones. Therefore, we are offering all of our loan customers the opportunity to move their December loan payment to the end of their loan in order to free up those funds for the holidays. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, simply return the bottom portion of this letter with your signature, which informs us that you will not be making your December loan payment. If we do not receive this statement, we will assume that you prefer to make your monthly payment as scheduled. This is the best way we could find for wishing...

Offer of Letter of Recommendation

Dear The fact that you will be leaving our firm shortly has been brought to my attention. We are very sorry to lose you inasmuch as your work has always been most satisfactory and we were hoping that you would remain with the (name of firm) for many years. I understand that you are leaving for personal reasons that have nothing to do with this organization. I will be happy to provide you with a letter of recommendation, if you so request. You may find this helpful in securing a position with another firm in your new locale. Please advise my secretary of your intent in this matter, so that we can have it prepared for you before your departure. I know that I speak for everyone here at (name of firm) in wishing you the very best of luck in the futur...

Offer of Assistance to Family During Employee Illness

Dear Everyone here at (name of firm) was saddened to learn of (name of employee) sudden illness. We know that this came on without any warning and while the proceeds from the group policy insurance coverage will defray a substantial amount of the medical costs, you may have need for some additional financial assistance to see you through this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to call on us if you need our assistance in this area. We consider (name of employee) to be one of our most valuable employees and a fine individual as well and would be most appreciative if you will let him know that we are all thinking of hi...

Offer of 2% Discount for Speedy Payments

Dear In the past twelve months you have purchased a considerable amount of merchandise from us, which pleases us greatly. Since you have never taken advantage of the 2% discount we offer for early payment, we thought that you might be unaware of just how substantial your savings could be. The savings on last year's purchases alone would have amounted to $ By paying us within 10 days of delivery, you can actually save 24% of the face amount of your average monthly bill over the period of a year. There are, in fact, firms who prefer to borrow funds to take advantage of this discount. Of course, you know what is best for your own business, but we want to be sure that you are aware of this savings factor. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the orders you have given to...

Notification of Returned Merchandise Credit

Dear Having received the merchandise you returned on (date) we are pleased to advise you that we have credited your account in the amount of $ (amount) If you would prefer that we mail you our check for the full amount of the refund, please advise us and we will be most happy to do ...

Notice to Terminate Tenancy-at-Will (by Tenant)

NOTICE TO TERMINATE TENANCY-AT-WILL (By Tenant) Date: _ To: _ (Landlord) You are hereby notified that the undersigned shall terminate its tenancy on the premises known as _, effective at the end of the next month of the tenancy, beginning after this notice. We shall deliver possession at that time. _______________________________ Tenant ...

Notice to Terminate Tenancy-at-Will (by Landlord)

NOTICE TO TERMINATE TENANCY-AT-WILL (By Landlord) Date: _ To: _ (Tenant) You are hereby notified to quit and vacate at the end of the next month of your tenancy, beginning after this notice, the premises now held by you as my tenant, said premises described as: _ _______________________________ Landlord ...

Notice to Suspend Deliveries and Request for Release

Gentlemen: Your delivery of (description of goods) which was received by us on (date) does not meet the specifications as outlined in our contract of (date) . Inasmuch as this merchandise does not meet our requirements, we are hereby requesting that you suspend any future deliveries as called for in our herein referenced contract and release us from that certain contract. Due to our contractual commitments, we must supply our customer with the appropriate goods within a specified period of time which requires that we now proceed to make our purchases from a different source. We would appreciate receiving your release as soon as possibl...

Notice to Stop Goods In Transit

NOTICE TO STOP GOODS IN TRANSIT Date: _ To: _ (Common Carrier) You are in receipt of certain goods in transit shipped by us and scheduled for delivery to: _ A copy of our shipping documents is enclosed. You are hereby instructed to stop transit of said goods, not make delivery to the consignee, and return said goods to us. We agree to pay return freight charges. No negotiable bill of lading or document of title has been delivered to our customer (consignee). Very truly, _______________________________ Copy to: _ (Customer) ...

Notice to Quit for Non-Payment of Rent

NOTICE TO QUIT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENT Date: _ To: _ (Tenant) You are hereby notified to quit and deliver up the premises you hold as our tenant namely: (Describe premises) _ You are to deliver up said premises on or within _ days of receipt of this notice. This notice is provided due to non-payment of rent. The present rent arrearage is in the amount of $_. You may redeem your tenancy by full payment of said arrears within _ days. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice to Prior Secured Party of Purchase Money Security Interest

NOTICE TO PRIOR SECURED PARTY OF PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INTEREST Date: _ To: _ (Prior Secured Parties) This is to notify you that the undersigned has or expects to acquire a purchase money security interest in and to the following described collateral: (Describe) _ Said collateral shall be sold to: ______________________________________ Name ______________________________________ Address ______________________________________ (Debtor). Insofar as you have an existing security interest on record as against the same type collateral, this notice shall inform you of our priority claim to the property being sold. Very truly, ____________________________...

Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR QUIT TO ___________________________, TENANT IN POSSESSION: You are hereby required to pay the rent on the premises herein described, of which you now hold possession, pursuant to a written lease, amounting to $ , being the rent now due to me by you for the period from , to , or you are hereby required to deliver up possession of the premises, within THREE DAYS after service on you of this notice, to the undersigned or the undersigned will institute legal proceedings against you, to declare a forfeiture of the lease under which you occupy said premises and to recover possession thereof, with treble rents and damages. The undersigned does (not) elect to terminate the lease if the rent is not paid within three day. The premises referred to are commonly...

Notice to Exercise Lease Option

NOTICE TO EXERCISE LEASE OPTION Date: _ To: _ Please be advised that the undersigned, as Lessee under a certain lease under date of _, 20_, for premises known as _ does hereby exercise its option to extend or renew said lease for the next option period commencing _, 20_. Very truly, _______________________________ Lessee ...

Notice to Employees of Unsatisfactory Behavior

TO: All Employees FROM: Mr. Chambers As President of this company, I was disappointed and humiliated by the behavior of some (name of firm) employees who attended the meeting on (day) The discourtesy shown to (individual) was unforgivable. Some employees not only talked incessantly during our speaker's address but also exhibited the height of rudeness by leaving the auditorium before the completion of his speech. To anyone who is guilty of these actions, I want you to know that such behavior will not be tolerated by this firm. It distresses me to have to write a message such as this to you, and I certainly hope and trust that it will never again be necessa...

Notice to Employees of New Vacation Policy

TO: All Employees FROM: Management SUBJECT: Vacations This is to provide notice to all (name of firm) employees of our new company policy in regards to vacations. Notice of your intention to take a vacation must be given to the company no less than days prior to your vacation. This will enable us to employ temporary help, if necessary, and to schedule vacations in a manner that will not be disruptive to the company. Thank you for your cooperati...

Notice to Employees of Bonus Cancellation

Dear This has been a difficult year for the ( Name of Company ). I am sure that you all know that the loss of our three contracts with the United States Air Force, due to the cut-back in defense appropriations, hurt us substantially. In July, we had a major decision to make. The question we were faced with was whether to let some of our employees go, or to explore all other possible avenues of cost reduction, keeping everyone's job intact. We chose the latter course. Unfortunately, one of the policies we were forced to eliminate for this year, was our annual Christmas bonus to each of our employees. This will be the first year since 1976 that we will be unable to thank you in this special manner for your hard work, loyalty and faithfulness. We are all hoping that 2006 will be a prosperous...

Notice to Employee Unqualified for Xmas Bonus

Dear Each of our employees who has been with our firm for a period of six months or more receives a Christmas bonus. Since you became a member of our sales department on August 1st, you will not be receiving a bonus this year. I wanted to be sure that you understood this company policy prior to our disbursement of the holiday paychecks to avoid any misunderstanding or disappointment on your part. We are very pleased with your work and while we would like to bend the rules, this would be unfair to all of our other personne...

Notice to Elect to Accept Damaged Goods

NOTICE TO ELECT TO ACCEPT DAMAGED GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) The undersigned received defective or non-conforming goods on our order dated _, 20_. The items and nature of damage or non-conformity are as follows: (Describe) _ We shall accept said goods provided we are allowed a deduction of $_ from the price. Please advise immediately. Very truly, ________________________________ ...

Notice to Disregard Letter Indicating Inability to Ship

Dear Please disregard the letter I wrote to you on (date) wherein I informed you that we would be unable to make any further deliveries to you as called for in our contract dated (date of contract) . The circumstances which prompted me to write the above mentioned letter have changed whereas (state circumstances permitting retraction) , and we expect to be able to resume deliveries on (date) . Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matt...

Notice to Deliver Possession

Dear Reference is made to your Lease dated (date), by and between (lessor) and (lessee), for a month-to-month term. You are hereby notified to deliver up possession of the hereinafter described premises you now hold in possession, on a month-to month tenancy, within days from the date indicated above. Said premises known as (designate) , located at (address) , (city) , (state) , (zip) , to be surrendered to the Landlord, (building and address). Thank you for your cooperation in this matt...

Notice to Debtor of Assignment of Debt

NOTICE TO DEBTOR OF ASSIGNMENT OF DEBT To: _ You are hereby notified that _ (Creditor) has sold and transferred to the undersigned all rights to its claim against you in the amount of $_. You are further notified to direct all payments to the undersigned to insure credit for payment. ______________________________ Name ______________________________ Address ______________________________ ...

Notice to Customer of Check Returned NSF

Dear Your check made payable to (name of firm) in the amount of $ has been returned to us for insufficient funds. The bank will not allow us to redeposit the check since it has already been presented on two occasions. Would you please bring the amount of the check, plus the $10.00 fee for our service charge for returned checks, to the manager's office at: (name of firm) (address) (city,state,zip) We must ask that this amount of $ be paid by either cash, certified check, or money order. If you have any questions, you can contact me at the above telephone number during office hours. Thank y...

Notice to Cancel Shipment of Back-Ordered Goods

NOTICE TO CANCEL SHIPMENT OF BACK-ORDERED GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 20_, a copy of which is attached. We have received a partial shipment and notice that certain goods are out of stock or on back order. Please cancel our order for the back-ordered goods and adjust our invoice for goods received. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice to Cancel Entire Order

NOTICE TO CANCEL ENTIRE ORDER Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 20_, a copy of which is enclosed. Due to your failure to ship the goods within the time required, we hereby cancel said order, reserving such further rights we may have. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice to Account Debtor of Assignment

NOTICE TO ACCOUNT DEBTOR OF ASSIGNMENT TO: _________________________ ______(address)__________ You are hereby notified that on (date) , (creditor) , of (address) , (city) , (state) , did assign all of his rights as secured party under the original Financing Statement, the date of which is (date) , File No. , filed on (date) , at (place of filing), to (name of assignee) , of (address) , (city) , (state) . A statement of said assignment has been filed at (place of filing) , on (date) , bearing File No. . You are hereby noticed that, effective (date) , your (monthly or other) payments of $ are to be made directly to (name of assignee) at (address) , (city) , (state) . Dated:__________...

Notice on Receipt of Unacceptable Merchandise

Dear This is to acknowledge receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that the merchandise does not meet my specifications. Whereas I ordered: you sent me: Inasmuch as this item was intended as a gift, I must cancel my order and request a refund for the merchandise. If you will provide me with your instructions for returning this merchandise to your firm, I will arrange for its speedy delive...

Notice of Withholding Future Deliveries

NOTICE OF WITHHOLDING FUTURE DELIVERIES TO_____________________________ _________(address)___________ Notice is hereby given that we are withholding all further delivery of goods to you under that certain contract between us dated (date) , which sets forth the terms and conditions for our sale to you of (description of goods). That said action is being taken by us due to the fact that you have breached said contract by (manner in which contract has been breached) . Said breach of contract occurred on (date) and this action is being taken pursuant to (section and code). This is to also notify you that if you are willing to provide adequate assurance of due performance in the future to us, we shall reinstate said contract and deliveries to you will be resumed in accordance...

Notice of Withheld Delivery

NOTICE OF WITHHELD DELIVERY Date: _ To: _ (Customer) Reference is made to your order for certain goods under date of _, 20_. We are withholding delivery for the reason(s) checked: __ Required payment has not been made. __ You repudiated or withdrew your contract to buy. __ You failed to furnish requested shipping instructions. __ Certain goods are back ordered and shipment will be made in single lot. __ Other (Describe) _ Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice of Violation of Warranty Exclusion

Dear The (product) which you sent us for repair has been modified in the following manner: (specify) . This modification is a violation of the terms of our warranty. I am forwarding a copy of our written warranty in case you have misplaced yours. You will note that the warranty does not cover "A defect caused by the modification or repair other than through (specify) or its Authorized Agent." We will make the necessary repair for you, if you wish, at our flat charge rate of $ . We have enclosed a card for your convenience with pre-printed instructions. Simply check off the appropriate box and we will act accordingly. We must ask that you remit the cost for repairs with your instructions, if you would like us to service the product. I trust you will understand why we are unable...

Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance

NOTICE OF UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE Date: _ To: _ (Employee) Confirming our meeting relative to certain unsatisfactory aspects of your performance, we expect that in the future you shall improve your performance by: _ We have every confidence the problem will not be repeated. ______________________________ ...

Notice of Termination of Lease

Notice of Termination of Lease To _________________________, Lessee: Take notice, that pursuant to the provisions of paragraph ___ of that certain Lease under which you hold possession of the hereinafter described premises, I have elected to terminate said lease as of ___________, 20___; said lease is being terminated (set forth reason for termination) and you are hereby required to quit and deliver up possession of the premises on or before the above mentioned date. The lease above mentioned is between ________________, as Lessor, and _____________ ______ as Lessee, is dated _____________ and covers the property commonly known as . DATED: ___________ ______________________ (LESS...

Notice of Right of Rescission

NOTICE OF RIGHT OF RESCISSION Customer Amount Security ___________________________________________________________ NOTICE TO CUSTOMER REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW Today, _____________, you have entered into a transaction which may result in a lien, mortgage or other security interest on your home. Federal Law provides you with the right to cancel this transaction, if you so desire, without any penalty or obligation at any time within three business days from the above date or the date on which all material disclosures required under the Truth in Lending Act have been given to you. By canceling this transaction, any lien, mortgage or other security interest on your home resulting from this transaction is automatically void. Any down payment or other consideration...

Notice of Right of Rescission

NOTICE OF RIGHT OF RESCISSION $_ Mortgage on Property situated at: _ (Identification of Transaction) Notice to Customer Required by Federal Law: You have entered into a transaction on _, 20_ which may result in a lien, mortgage or other security interest on your home. You have a legal right under federal law to cancel this transaction, if you desire to do so, without any penalty or obligation, within three business days from the above date or any later date on which all material disclosures required under the Truth in Lending Act have been given to you. If you so cancel the transaction, any lien, mortgage or other security interest on your home arising from this transaction is automatically void. Your are also entitled to receive a refund of any down payment or other consideration...

Notice of Revocation of Authority

Dear (name of former employee) is no longer an employee of this corporation and is therefore no longer authorized to act, in any form whatsoever, on our behalf. I am requesting that this information be relayed to all of your department hea...

Notice of Return of Goods Sold on Approval

NOTICE OF RETURN OF GOODS SOLD ON APPROVAL Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) The undersigned hereby returns to you the goods purchased from you on approval on _, 20_; said goods consisting of: (Describe) _ Very truly, ________________________________ ...

Notice of Rescission of Release

NOTICE OF RESCISSION OF RELEASE TO ____________________________ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,______________, rescinds that certain release executed by him on (date) , whereby he released you from any and all claims arising out of (subject for which release was executed), on the following grounds: The undersigned agrees to restore to you total consideration received by you for his execution of the release, including (consideration received). Dated: (Signatu...

Notice of Rescission

NOTICE OF RESCISSION To: __________________________________ This is to notify you that I hereby cancel the Transaction entered into on ___________________ between_______________ and myself. This notice is being mailed to you on __________________, which falls within the three day right of rescission period provided for under Federal Law. I am requesting that you return my down payment immediately. ________________________________ (Signature) ...

Notice of Resale

NOTICE OF RESALE Date: _ To: _ (Customer) Notice is hereby given that due to your breach of your contract dated _, 20_; the undersigned shall sell the goods ordered by you at our place of business on _, 20_. Said goods shall be sold for the best possible price. You shall be held liable for any deficiency together with costs of sale. Very truly, ______________________________ a...

Notice of Rejection of Goods

NOTICE OF REJECTION OF GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) We received goods from you pursuant to our order or contract dated _, 20_. We hereby reject said goods for the reason(s) checked below: __ Goods were not delivered within required time. __ Goods were defective as described on reverse side. __ Goods were non-conforming to sample or specifications as stated on reverse side. __ Notice of acceptance of our order, as required, has not been received, and we ordered the goods from other sources. __ Prices for said goods do not conform to quote, catalogue or order. __ Goods represent only a partial shipment. __ Other (Describe) _ Please issue appropriate credits or refunds if prepaid, and provide instruction for return at your expense. Rejection of said goods shall not be a waiver...

Notice of Rejected Counter-Proposal

Dear After spending a considerable amount of time going over your counter proposal, my associates and I concluded that the terms are simply unworkable, and, from our point of view, unrealistic. If you wish to reconsider our original proposal please let me kn...

Notice of Rejected Bid

Dear Thank you very much for the proposal you submitted to us on (date) in response to our request. We are aware of the great deal of time and work that went into your bid and therefore, regret to inform you that we have awarded the contract to another firm. We based our decision on (reason for rejecting bid) We will certainly be inviting your firm to bid on our future projects and thank you once again for your propos...

Notice of Refusal to Accept Delivery

NOTICE OF REFUSAL TO ACCEPT DELIVERY Date: _ To: _ (Customer) We are in receipt of your order described on the attached invoice or order form. You have cancelled the order after acceptance or refused to accept delivery. Accordingly, we consider our obligations to attempt further shipment as terminated, reserving all rights against you for resultant damages arising from your failure to fulfill your obligations. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice of Reclamation

NOTICE OF RECLAMATION Date: _ To: _ (Customer) Certain goods have been shipped to you within the past ten days as represented by the attached invoices. It has come to our attention that your firm is insolvent, and therefore we demand return and reclamation of all goods delivered to you within the ten days preceding this notice. Very truly, ________________________________ ...

Notice of Receipt on Incomplete Shipment

Gentlemen: The shipment we received on the above referenced purchase order was incomplete. The following parts were missing: ________________________________ ________________________________ We would appreciate it if you would rush the missing parts to us immediately. If you are unable to do so, please call me at (telephone) upon receipt of this letter. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matt...

Notice of Public Sale of Collateral

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF COLLATERAL Date: _ To: _ (Debtor) You are hereby given notice that the collateral covered under our security agreement shall be sold at public auction as follows: Date: _ Time: _ Location: _ You will be held liable for any deficiency resulting from said sale. You may redeem this property by paying the amount due and accrued costs of foreclosure at any time prior to the time of sale. Very truly, ____________________________ Secured Par...

Notice of Promotion

Dear It is our great pleasure to inform you that you have been promoted to the challenging and demanding position of (position) This promotion is in recognition of the fine work you have done for this firm. We are very confident that you will meet the new responsibilities which accompany the position of (position) with the same level of enthusiasm and enterprise which you have exhibited since you came to work with our firm. Please accept our congratulations on your new promoti...

Notice of Private Sale of Collateral

NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF COLLATERAL Date: _ To: _ (Debtor) You are hereby notified that after _, 20_, the undersigned shall sell at private sale the following Collateral: (Describe) _ Said collateral shall be sold to _, (Buyer) for the amount of $_. You will be held liable for any deficiency resulting from said sale. You may redeem this property by paying the amount due and accrued costs of foreclosure at any time prior to the time of sale. Very truly, ______________________________ Secured Par...

Notice of Packing Slip Requirements

Gentlemen: This letter is to remind you that all shipments to (name of firm) must include a packing list which states what is in each shipment and references the purchase order number for that shipment. By following this procedure, we will be able to process the receipt of your merchandise faster and therefore, expedite payment to you. We appreciate your cooperation in this matt...

Notice of Overdue Account

NOTICE OF OVERDUE ACCOUNT Date: _ To: _ (Customer) The payment due us on _, 20_, in the amount of $_ has not been received. Please give this matter your immediate attention and mail a check without further delay. Very truly, ___________________________...

Notice of Opposition to Zoning Request

NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO ZONING REQUEST An application has been filed by (name of applicant) for a (variance, exception, special use permit) to permit (purpose for zoning request) at (address) in the City of (city) , County of (county) , State of (state) The property in question is presently zoned for (zoning) , and the adjacent property is (zoning) As property owners in the area, the undersigned do hereby request that the pending application mentioned herein be denied by the (name of commission) on the following grounds: (grounds for petition...

Notice of Non-Conforming Goods

NOTICE OF NON-CONFORMING GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) We are in receipt of certain goods recently shipped to us under the attached invoices. Certain goods as shipped do not conform to specification or sample in the following particulars: (Describe or attach) _ Accordingly, we hereby reject said non-conforming goods and demand issue of credit and instructions for return at your expense. Very truly, ________________________________ ...

Notice of Lease

NOTICE OF LEASE Notice is hereby provided of the existence of the following lease: 1. LESSOR: _ 2. LESSEE: _ 3. LEASED PREMISES: _ 4. TERM OF LEASE is _ years commencing on _, 20_ and ending on _, 20_. 5. OPTIONS TO EXTEND LEASE: _ 6. OPTION TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY OR RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL: _ _______________________________ Lessor _______________________________ Lessee State of _ County of _ Date: _ Then personally appeared _ who acknowledged the foregoing, before me. ______________________________ (Notary Seal) Notary Publi...

Notice of Layoff

Dear We had been hoping that during this difficult period of reorganization we could keep all of our employees with the company. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It is with regret, therefore, that we must inform you that we will be unable to utilize your services after (date). We have been pleased with the qualities you have exhibited during your tenure of employment with us, and will be sorry to lose you as an employee of the company. Please accept our best wishes for your futu...

Notice of Intention to Sell Goods After Breach

Dear When we were notified of your breach of contract, there were several units of goods being manufactured in our plant, which were intended for delivery to you under the contract we entered on (date). It is commercially unreasonable for us to proceed to complete these units, and are therefore notifying you of our intent to offer these unfinished units for sale in the near future. We will, of course, be sending you a notice when a specific time and date has been set for said sale. Although we are under no obligation, we are providing you with you with this advanced notice as to our intentions in this matte...

Notice of Intention to Make a Private Sale After Breach

Gentlemen: Due to the fact that we have not received your payment for the goods we have delivered to you in accordance with our contract entered into on (date) , and that in failing to pay for these goods you are in breach of said contract, as you were noticed on (date) , it is our intention to make a private sale of the goods which we have manufactured for the balance of goods to be delivered under that certain contract, but which are undeliverable due to said breach, for a purchase price of $ . This sale is to be consummated on (date) , and will go forward if your default is not cured by (date) . It is our desire to inform you of the foregoing and afford you the opportunity to decide on a course of action, in view of the fact that you will be held liable for the loss sustained...

Notice of Intention to Foreclose

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE (Under Security Agreement) To ______________________________________________, Debtor Address_________________________________________________ You are hereby notified that the undersigned intends to foreclose under provision of that certain Agreement executed by you on the _______ of ______________19 , whereby certain personal property described as follows was given as security for the payment of indebtedness to Secured Party named below. (Description) You are hereby further notified that unless you pay, within ___ days from the date hereof, to the undersigned, holder and owner of the said Agreement, at their office address, which is listed below, the sum of $ , all of which is now due and payable pursuant to the conditions of said Agreement, plus...

Notice of Intention to File a Mechanic's Lien

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FILE A MECHANIC'S LIEN TO: (name of owner) (address) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, (name) intends to file a mechanic's lien for (amount) Dollars ($ ), on real property owned by you and commonly known as (street address) . The legal for said property is as follows: The filing of said lien, pursuant to (cite statute) , is for the purpose of securing payment of amounts due for (services) performed by the undersigned within the last (number) days, in accordance with the (written or oral) agreement entered into on (date) between you and the undersigned. Date________________ __________________________ (Signatur...

Notice of Intent to Exercise Warehouse Lien By Auction

To________________________ ________________________ ________________________ In accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code, or Warehouse Receipt Act,____________________________ hereby gives notice that it has a lien upon property stored within their facilities by you, for your account, or in which you claim an interest, amounting to the sum of $ which is now due and described as follows: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ The goods against which the lien of this company exists consists of_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ received...

Notice of Inability to Fill Order

Dear We have received your Purchase Order Number (number), dated (date). We regret to inform you that said order cannot be filled at this time due to the following reason: Should you care to discuss this matter further, please feel free to contact me at the above number. We look forward to your future orders and are ready to assist you in any way possibl...

Notice of Impending Litigation After Unproductive Arrangements

Dear Productivity is an important guideline in any business. When we find that our productivity suffers we naturally become concerned. Well, we are concerned about our productivity in collecting the amount owed on your account. We have invested much time in attempting to work out arrangements for the payment of your account and it seems that each agreement is met with a lack of productivity. Therefore, we must insist that payment be received within ten days of this notice. Otherwise, we will have no alternative other than to forward your account to our attorne...

Notice of Error in Shipment and Request for Return Authorization

Dear This is to acknowledge the receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that there is an error in the shipment. The merchandise I ordered was (specify) , while the merchandise I received is (specify) . Upon receiving your instructions for the return of goods, I will send same to you. I would like to receive the correct merchandise as quickly as possible and will appreciate your expeditious handling of this matte...

Notice of Dissolution (Partnership)

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of ( Section and Code of State) that: The partnership heretofore existing between (partner A) and (partner B) , under the fictitious name of (fictitious name of partnership) at (address) , City of , County of , State of is now dissolved by mutual consent. That (partner A) , of the City of , County of , State of , has withdrawn from and is no longer associated in the conducting of said business, and (partner B) , of the City of , County of , State of will conduct said business hereafter, has assumed all of the outstanding obligations of said business incurred both heretofore and hereafter, and...

Notice of Dispatch

NOTICE OF DISPATCH Date: _ To: _ (Customer) On _, 20_, the goods ordered by you on our contract dated _, 20_ will be sent to you by _ (Carrier) and should arrive at your place of business on or about _, 20_. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice of Dishonored Check

NOTICE OF DISHONORED CHECK Date: _ To: _ Your check in the amount of $_, tendered to us on _, 20_, has been dishonored by your bank. Unless we receive good funds for said amount within _ days of receipt of this notice, we shall have no alternative but to commence appropriate legal action for its recovery. Very truly, ____________________________...

Notice of Delayed Shipment

Dear Due to the huge response we received from our summer catalog, we are experiencing a delay in filling some of the orders. Item (number) should be sent to you within (time) from this date. Please accept our apologies for this del...

Notice of Delay on Back Order

Dear Thank you for your order. We have sent you all of the items you requested except for (item and number), which is backordered. We apologize for the delay and are expecting to have this item for you shortl...

Notice of Defects in Goods After Acceptance

DEFECTS IN GOODS AFTER ACCEPTANCE To:__________________________ _________(address)________ Notice is hereby given that on (date of delivery) , I accepted the tender of (merchandise delivered) under our contract for purchase dated (date) . That beginning on (date) and continuing to the present date, the following defects in the above mentioned goods have become manifest: (set forth defects) (specify relief sought) Dated:__________________ _______________________ (Signatur...

Notice of Defective Goods

NOTICE OF DEFECTIVE GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) We are in receipt of merchandise shipped to us pursuant to your invoice or order number (_), dated _, 20_. Certain goods as listed on the attached sheet are defective for the following reasons: (Describe) _ Accordingly, we reject said defective goods, demand credit or adjustment and intend to re-ship said goods to you at your expense. Please confirm credit issue and issue instructions for return of defective goods. Very truly, ________________________________...

Notice of Default

NOTICE OF DEFAULT To __________________ ___(address)______ ____________________as trustee (or beneficiary) under that certain deed of transfer in trust executed by ___________, as Trustor, to ____________, as Trustee and ______________, as beneficiary, dated _____________, recorded in Book ____, Page ___ of official records in the office of the County Recorder of _______ County, State of ____________, hereby give(s) notice that a breach of the obligation for which such transfer in trust is security has occurred, the nature of said breach being the failure to (state each item of default , such as the failure to pay principal, or installments thereof, interest, taxes, insurance, etc.), and that the Trustee (or beneficiary) elects to sell, or cause to be sold the trust property in order to...

Notice of Credit Limit, Conversion to C.O.D.

NOTICE OF CREDIT LIMIT Date: _ To: _ (Customer) A review of your account indicates a present balance of $_ owed our firm. Every account is carefully evaluated to establish a credit limit that we believe is consistent not only with our interests, but the interests of the customer as well. We have established $_, as your credit allowance and believe it is appropriate. Since you are at or near that credit limit, we can ship future orders only on a C.O.D. basis, until your balance is reduced. We would be pleased to review your account with you if you believe an increased credit line is justified. We are confident you understand the need for this action. Very truly, ______________________________...

Notice of Credit for Merchandise Damaged in Shipment

Dear This is to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of (date) , in which you requested an adjustment in the form of a credit to your account for the merchandise damaged in transit. Please be advised that your account has been credited in the amount of $ , as of (date) We are sorry about the inconvenience this has caused you. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matt...

Notice of Claim of Lien

After Recording, mail to: (Name and address) NOTICE OF CLAIM OF LIEN The undersigned claimant hereby claims a mechanic's lien under section_______of the Civil Code of the State of _________ and hereby declares the following: 1. That a statement of claimant's demand, after deducting all just credits and offsets, in the sum of $ . 2. That the name of the owner(s), or reputed owner(s) of the property is (are): 3. A general statement of the kind of work done or materials furnished by claimant, or both is: (insert) 4. That the name(s) of the person(s) by whom claimant was employed or to whom claimant furnished the materials is (are) 5. A description of the property sought to be charged with the lien is: (enter full legal description here). DATED: ________________ _______________________ (Signature...

Notice of Claim of Defective Goods

NOTICE OF CLAIM OF DEFECTIVE GOODS Date: _ To: _ We have purchased a product sold or manufactured by you described as: _ One of our customers has advised us of a product defect in the following particulars: Name of customer: _ Approximate date of purchase: _ Nature of defect: _ Injuries claimed: _ In the event suit is brought against us arising from Breach of Warranty of Merchantability, we shall in a like manner look to you for full reimbursement. This letter is provided to give you earliest possible notice of a potential claim. Very truly, ______________________________...

Notice of Change of Address

Dear As of Monday, July 1, 2006, Kabuki Sales Corporation of America's Eastern Regional Office will be located in our new offices and warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33715. The telephone number for this new location is (813) 550-5428. Our Manufacturing Division will remain at 2550 Santa Fe Avenue, in St. Petersburg. I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic equipment for your review. I hope you find it interesti...

Notice of Cancellation of Contract

TO:________________________________ ___________(address)____________ Notice is hereby given that we cancel our contract dated for the sale of (description of goods) to (name of firm) , for the following reason. That on (date) , you breached said contract in the following respect: . Cancellation of said contract is effected in respect to that certain installment delivered on (date) , and for any subsequent delivery of goods, contracted for in said contract, inasmuch as your breach impairs the contract as a whole. (We claim damages from you in the amount of $ ) Dated:_____________ __________________ (Signatur...

Notice of C.O.D. Terms

NOTICE OF C.O.D. TERMS Date: _ To: _ (Customer) We are in receipt of your purchase order as attached. We shall be pleased to accept your order, however, we cannot accept the order on credit terms. Accordingly, we shall ship the goods on C.O.D. terms unless you notify us of cancellation of the order within ten days of receipt of this notice. We appreciate your patronage. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice of Bulk Transfer

NOTICE OF BULK TRANSFER To Creditors of , Transferor: You are hereby notified that the Transferor, (name of transferor) is about to make a bulk transfer of (property or property and security) to the undersigned Transferee. That the business address of the transferor is (address) , City of , County, State of , and the business address of transferee is (address) , City of , County, State of . That the location of the property to be transferred is (address) , City of , County, State of . Property to be transferred is (description) To the best knowledge of the transferee, transferor has not used a business name or address other than that which is stated above...

Notice of Back-Ordered Item

Dear We received your order for (item and number) and wish to thank you. This item is presently back-ordered and we are unable to send it to you immediately. If, due to this unfortunate delay, you would like to cancel your order, please send us a note to that effect. Otherwise, you can expect delivery in approximately (time). Please accept our apology for this del...

Notice of Approval of New Credit Account

Dear Your account with (name of firm) has been approved for credit. We would like to inform you that your account number is Please inform your personnel to be sure to include this account number on any documents and correspondence directed to (name of firm) We welcome you to our family of customers and hope that our new relationship will be mutually beneficial and profitable. As our way of saying thank you for opening your new account with us, we are offering you a (specify) discount on all merchandise ordered in the month of (month) If you have any questions regarding our credit policy, please call (name) , our Credit Manager, who will be more than happy to discuss your account with you. We will be looking forward to your orders and to the opportunity...

Notice of Application for Zoning Variance, Exception, or Permit

To: You are hereby notified that an application has been made by (name of applicant) , in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, for a (variance, exception, special use permit). for the property situated at (address) That the purpose of this application is to (describe new use) , and this matter will be heard by the (name of commission) on (date) , at (time) , in room , at (name of building) , at which time you may appear in person, or by agent or by your attorney. This notice is being sent to you because as a property owner in the immediate vicinity, you may be affected by the determination made at the herein mentioned heari...

Notice of Application as Sole Trader

NOTICE OF APPLICATION AS SOLE TRADER TO:______________________________ ________(address)_____________ Pursuant to (state section and code), notice is hereby given of the intention of (individual) , a resident of County, State of , who is the wife of (name of husband), to apply to the (court) of the County of for a judgment declaring her a sole trader and enabling her to carry on the business of (nature of business), in her own name and on her own account. Said business to be conducted at (address) , City of , County of , State of . Said application will be made on (date). Dated: __________________ _________________________ (Signatu...

Notice of Appeal

NOTICE OF APPEAL In the matter of (name of appellant) (address) APPEAL FROM REFEREE'S DECISION (number) (date) Notice is hereby given that a decision was reached in the above referenced matter on the above date in the City of , State of , a copy of which is attached hereto and sets forth the particulars in this matter. That appellant alleges that an error in decision has been made on the part of the referee and is appealing said decision on the following grounds: (grounds for appeal) Date: ____________________ ___________________________ (Signatu...

Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of (name of corporation) Dear Shareholder: Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the shareholders of (name of corporation), a (state) corporation, will be held at (address) , (city) , (state) , on (date) , at (time) The following business will be transacted at the meeting: 1. 2. 3. In the event that you will be unable to attend this annual meeting, we are requesting that you execute and mail the enclosed form of proxy to the secretary of our company so that your shares may be regularly voted at the meeting. ______________________ (Signatu...

Notice and Tender by Debtor

NOTICE AND TENDER BY DEBTOR TO:_____________________________ _________(address)___________ You are hereby notified that the undersigned elects to redeem the (collateral) that is currently in your possession pursuant to that certain security agreement, the date of which is , for which said collateral was pledged to secure performance. Election is hereby made in accordance with the rights afforded under the Uniform Commercial Code Section 9506. Therefore, the undersigned hereby tenders fulfillment of all obligations pursuant to said security agreement and secured by said collateral, in addition to the amount of $ for your expenses in repossessing, holding, preparing the collateral for disposition through sale, arranging for sale, attorney's fees and legal expenses. Demand...

Notice and Acknowledgement of Service Rate Increase

Dear This letter will confirm (individual's) telephone conversation with you today concerning an increase in our billing rate to (amount) per hour, effective (date) It is necessary that we request this increase due to a rise in the cost of conducting our business. We are faced with an increase in payroll taxes and insurance, along with an increase in our overhead costs. In addition to the above, we also seek a modest profit. Attached are copies of our service agreement and we request that you sign one copy and return it to us indicating your approval of this new ra...

Note Secured by Deed of Trust (Straight Note)

NOTE SECURED BY DEED OF TRUST (STRAIGHT NOTE) $_____________ ________(city and state)______ __(date)___ _________________________________________________after date for value received I promise to pay to _____________________ ____________________________________________________or order, at _________________________________________________________ payable___________________ or sooner, secured by Assignment of Deed of Trust on the following described land: (Legal Description) Should default be made in payment of principal or interest, the whole sum of principal and interest shall, at the option of the holder of this note, become immediately due. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of the United States. If action is instituted on this note, the undersigned promises to pay such...

New Salesman Follow-Up Letter After First Meeting

Dear Thank you for affording me the opportunity to meet with you and members of your staff. I know that (ex-salesman) serviced your account for many years and made many friends at your firm. While his presence will be missed, I can promise that you will continue to receive the fine service that has always been afforded by (firm) The hospitality you showed me yesterday explains why (ex-salesman) held your organization is such high rega...

New Open Account Welcome & Terms Letter

Dear Thank you for opening an account with our company. As one of the leaders in this industry, we can assure you that our products and our services will not disappoint you. I would like to take this opportunity to briefly set forth our terms and conditions for maintaining an open account with our firm. Invoices are payable within 30 days of receipt, with a 2% discount available if your payment is remitted within ten (10) days of receipt. We consider this incentive an excellent opportunity for our customers to increase their profit margin, and therefore encourage the use of this discount privilege whenever possible. We do, however, require that our invoices be paid within the specified time, for our customers to take advantage of this 2% discount. At various times throughout the year...

New Fictitious Name Certificate Due to Change - Partnership

New Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name (Due to Change) Certificate KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned do hereby certify the following: 1. The undersigned are the partners of a ___________ (general or limited) partnership that is transacting business in the State of _________________ under the fictitious name of_____________________________________. 2. The principal place of said business is located at _______________________________________. 3. The full names and places of residence of the undersigned are: ________________________, whose place of residence is ___________________________________________. ________________________, whose place of residence is ___________________________________________. This certificate is executed to reflect...

New Employee Welcome

Dear It is with great pleasure that I welcome you as a new employee to (name of firm) I am very pleased that you have chosen to accept our offer of employment and know that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial association. We encourage our personnel to take advantage of selected courses that are available in this vicinity, in order to improve their skills and learn new skills in related areas. The courses and their corresponding registration dates are listed on the employee bulletin board for your review. If you decide to attend one of these courses, please advise your office manager and he will make the necessary arrangements. Once again, welcome to (name of fi...

New Customer Welcome

Dear The (name of firm) would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that you will be extremely satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our customers. You are invited to purchase our merchandise on our regular open account terms, (set forth terms) Our credit manager, (name) , will be happy to discuss any aspect of our credit policy with you at your convenience. I am enclosing our catalog and price list for your review. I believe that you will find our prices competitive and in keeping with industry trends. Throughout the year we offer our valued customers frequent discounts as an incentive and as a showing of our appreciation. I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near futur...

New Business Announcement for Use with Credit Application

Gentlemen: It is our pleasure to inform you that the (name of new business) is now open for business. Our firm is located at (location) and we specialize in We have enclosed a credit application in your name should you be interested in opening an account with us. We will look forward to your coming in for a visit or calling us if you would like to have one of our representatives come to your offi...

Negative Response to Job Candidate Interview

Dear It was a pleasure meeting with you yesterday and having the opportunity to discuss your education and your career goals. I appreciate your candidness and feel that since your objectives are to work in the field of (specify area) you should attempt to obtain a position with a firm that would enable you to gain experience in your preferred area. Unfortunately, our business does not afford you this opportunity. I am certain that you will find a position which suits you soon and I believe that you have a great deal to contribute. Please accept my best wishes for your futur...

Negative Response to Job Application, No Openings

Dear Thank you for your recent application for employment with (name of company) We regret to inform you that there are no openings in our firm at this time. While we know this is disappointing news, we would like to retain your application in our files for future openings. Thank you for your interest in working for our compa...

Negative Response to Job Application

Dear Thank you for your recent application to join our company as a (position requested) While we do not have an opening in your area at this time, we will certainly keep your application on file. Should a position become available in the future, we shall inform you and arrange a convenient time for testi...

Mutual Release

MUTUAL RELEASE This mutual release, executed on (date), between (name of first party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , and (name of second party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , is intended to effect the elimination of any obligations by either party as hereinafter designated. Whereas, disputes and differences have arisen between the parties with respect to that certain contract entered into by said parties and executed on (date) , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, both parties have agreed to settle said disputes and differences by executing this mutual release. Whereas, both parties recognize that by the execution of this mutual release, they are relinquishing their respective legal...

Mutual Cancellation of Lease

MUTUAL CANCELLATION OF LEASE FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Lessee), and _ (Lessor), under a certain lease agreement between the parties under date of _, 20_ (Lease), do hereby mutually agree to terminate and cancel said Lease effective _, 20_ and all rights and obligations under said Lease shall thereupon be cancelled excepting only for any obligations under the Lease accruing prior to the effective termination date. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_. ______________________________ Lessee ______________________________ Les...

Monthly Partial Payment to Creditor

Dear In accordance with our agreement, I am enclosing our check in the amount of $28.46, which represents a minimum payment that you can expect each month from our firm. As you will note, this amount will decrease the balance owing to zero in twelve payments. Naturally, if we can generate a check, either more frequently or in larger amounts, please be assured that we will. Furthermore, we are hopeful that we will be successful in collecting some of our very large receivables, which would enable us to pay the entire amount due. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperati...

Merry Xmas in Many Languages

Dear It was a pleasure meeting with you yesterday and having the opportunity to discuss your education and your career goals. I appreciate your candidness and feel that since your objectives are to work in the field of (specify area) you should attempt to obtain a position with a firm that would enable you to gain experience in your preferred area. Unfortunately, our business does not afford you this opportunity. I am certain that you will find a position which suits you soon and I believe that you have a great deal to contribute. Please accept my best wishes for your futu...

Memorandum on Sales Seminar

TO: Bill Meredith FROM: Mr. Chambers SUBJECT: Seminar Dear Bill: A seminar is being held at the Bolten Hotel on June 15, 2006 at 1:00 P.M. on Selling Computerized High Technology. It is being conducted by ABC Corporation and should be extremely informative. We are strongly recommending that every member of the sales force attend this seminar and we will, of course, pay the entrance fees for all those attending. I would appreciate it if you would encourage everyone to go, and provide me with the names of those who will be attending no later than June 1...

Media Survey Form

MEDIA SURVEY How did you learn of our product? A. Television Commercial? Yes_______ No________ If "Yes", which channel?______________________ When? Morning________ Afternoon______ Evening_______ Late Night______ B. Radio Spot? Yes________ No________ If "Yes", which station?_______________________ When? Morning__________ Afternoon________ Evening________ C. Newspaper? Yes_________ No_______ If "Yes", which one?____________________________ D. Store Display? Yes_____ No_______ If "Yes", which store?__________________________ E. Other_________________________________________...

Long Reply to Inquiry About Discontinued Model

Dear Having received your letter regarding your Chambers Mixmaster, I would like to thank you for your kind words about our products. It is heartwarming to know that this appliance remained with your family for nearly thirty years and never "let you down." We only updated our Chambers Mixmaster once, and that occurred in the new 1976 models. Therefore, the model you are referring to would have to be our original style, model # 3309. I regret to say that we do not have any of the discontinued models for I can understand why it held sentimental value for you. I can, however, assure you that our current model which is available in finer department stores and appliance centers has been made with the same fine quality to which you have grown accustomed. You may be surprised to know that it comes...

Letter to Small Businessman in Advance of Collections

Dear As a good businessman, you are aware of the manner in which accounts that have become seriously past due must be handled. I am not going to attempt to think of some clever phrase or witty jingle to get your attention. Neither do I wish to embarrass, intimidate or do any of the nasty things that are often done to encourage payment. I am merely informing you that the account has reached a point where we must decide within a few days whether to turn it over for collection or just hand it to our attorneys, neither of which is our preference. We know that you understand our predicament and are probably experiencing a similar situation with some of your aging accounts. We would like to hear from you and learn what your intentions are in regard to this accou...

Letter to Customer Not Home for Service Appointment

Dear On (date) our serviceman came to your home to install your new (product) and found that there was no one there. This was the date that we had arranged for installation, but I know that things like this can happen. I would appreciate it if you will call me at (telephone), so that we can arrange a convenient time to have this work done for y...

Letter of Resignation

Dear This is to inform you that an opportunity has presented itself that will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, which is (designate) I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment. I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for (name of firm) , a truly outstanding organizati...

Monthly Partial Payment to Creditor

Dear In accordance with our agreement, I am enclosing our check in the amount of $28.46, which represents a minimum payment that you can expect each month from our firm. As you will note, this amount will decrease the balance owing to zero in twelve payments. Naturally, if we can generate a check, either more frequently or in larger amounts, please be assured that we will. Furthermore, we are hopeful that we will be successful in collecting some of our very large receivables, which would enable us to pay the entire amount due. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperati...

Merry Xmas in Many Languages

To our friends all over the world, (name of firm) extends to you and your loved ones our best wishes for a Vrolijke Kersttmis Sarbatori Felicite Joyeux Noel Tin Hao Nian Froeliche Weihnachten Felice Natale Kinga Shinnen Glad Julen Ichok Yilara Boas Festas Chrustovjna Wesloych Swiat Glaedelig Jul Veselele Vanoche Felice Pascuas Sretan Bozic Boldog Karacsonyi Unnepeket Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ye...

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