Employee Photo and Recording Release


In consideration of my employment with the (name of firm) ,
("Company") and as part of the services being furnished by
me to said Company, I hereby give my consent to the
photographing of myself and to the recording of my voice.
The Company is hereby authorized to use or cause to be used
said still photographs or motion picture footage, recordings
of my voice and my name for advertising, publicity,
commercial or other business purposes. Said photographs
and/or recordings may be used singularly or in conjunction
with other photographs and/or recordings.

The Company has my authorization to reproduce, or cause to
be reproduced and used such photographs and voice
recordings. The same may be exhibited in all domestic and
foreign markets. I understand that others may use and/or
reproduce said photographs and/or recordings with or without
the Company's consent.

I hereby release the Company, any of its associated or
affiliated companies, their directors, officers, agents,
employees, customers and the Company's appointed advertising
agencies, officers, directors, agents and employees, from all
claims of any kind on account of such use.

Witness:______________________ ___________________
Date ___________________


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