Letter of Default on Promissory Note

LETTER OF DEFAULT ON PROMISSORY NOTE Date: _ To: _ Reference is made to a certain promissory note under date of _, 20_, in the original amount of $_. You have defaulted under said note in that the installment due on _, 20_, in the amount of $_ has not been paid. Accordingly, demand is hereby made upon you for full payment of the entire balance on said note in the amount of $_, including accrued interest to date. In the event the entire balance is not paid within the next seven days, I shall refer this matter to an attorney resulting in additional costs of collection. Very truly, ___________________________...

Letter of Credit (Irrevocable)

Letter of Credit (Irrevocable) __________________(Bank) _______________(Address) ____________(City,State) __________________(Date) Irrevocable Credit All drafts drawn must indicate credit number. Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized to value on the (bank) , of the City of ________________, State of______________, for any sum or sums up to the aggregate of ____________ ($ ) Dollars For the account of Available by your drafts at (specify) day's sight. Drafts are to be accepted only against delivery of the following documents: Documents of title must be dated not later than _______, 20__. All drafts against this credit are to be drawn and negotiated before (date) . We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers, and bona fide holders of drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of this...

Letter of Credit (General)

(date line) LETTER OF CREDIT (GENERAL) (name of bank) (address) (city, state, zip) (country) Sir: We hereby agree to accept and pay at maturity any draft or drafts on us, at day's sight, issued by (name of individual) of your city, to the extent of (amount of limit) ($ ) Dollars, and negotiated through your bank. Most respectfully yours, _____________________ (Signature) DATED: _____________________ ____________________(ADDRESS) I hereby guarantee the due acceptance of payment of any draft issued in pursuance of the above credit. ________________________ (SIGNATURE OF GUARANT...

Negative Response to Job Application

Dear Thank you for your recent application to join our company as a (position requested) While we do not have an opening in your area at this time, we will certainly keep your application on file. Should a position become available in the future, we shall inform you and arrange a convenient time for testi...

Mutual Release

MUTUAL RELEASE This mutual release, executed on (date), between (name of first party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , and (name of second party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , is intended to effect the elimination of any obligations by either party as hereinafter designated. Whereas, disputes and differences have arisen between the parties with respect to that certain contract entered into by said parties and executed on (date) , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, both parties have agreed to settle said disputes and differences by executing this mutual release. Whereas, both parties recognize that by the execution of this mutual release, they are relinquishing their respective legal rights with reference to the herein mentioned disputes and...

Mutual Cancellation of Lease

MUTUAL CANCELLATION OF LEASE FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Lessee), and _ (Lessor), under a certain lease agreement between the parties under date of _, 20_ (Lease), do hereby mutually agree to terminate and cancel said Lease effective _, 20_ and all rights and obligations under said Lease shall thereupon be cancelled excepting only for any obligations under the Lease accruing prior to the effective termination date. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_. ______________________________ Lessee ______________________________ Les...

Letter of Authorization to Negotiate

TO: ______________________ This letter will authorize you to negotiate, discuss and in any other way communicate with_______________in those areas relative to________________________________________________ This letter will further authorize ___________to act in all matters on behalf of ______________________________________ The intent of this authorization is not to be construed to limit, in any way, the power of ______________to act in our behalf, enter into agreements, or contract_________________ ____________________________________in both financial areas and sales areas. Therefore, by the existence of this instrument we hereby authorize________________to accept or reject agreements, to enter into contracts binding upon_____________________, and to act in whatever way necessary so...

Letter of Appreciation to Employee

Dear Your enthusiasm and your ability to motivate your employees has resulted in a significant increase in productivity and profitability. If we had an award to give, you would be the prime candidate. Please accept my sincerest appreciation for the fine job you are doing in our sales departme...

Letter Notice of Rescission

Gentlemen: I hereby rescind my agreement to purchase (item(s)) under the agreement entered between (company) and myself on (date). This rescission notice is being mailed to you within the three day period provided for under Federal L...

Letter Notice of Litigation

Dear All of our efforts to settle the above matter amicably have been unsuccessful. We have made numerous calls and, to date, have not had the courtesy of a call back. We have delayed legal proceedings up to now based on your assurances that we would be paid in full by (date) I am enclosing copies of your letters stating that intention. Please be advised that you have left us no alternative but to file suit immediately. We have attempted to be understanding of your cash flow problems but our patience has now reached an end. Your account is being turned over to our attorney. While I regret the necessity of this action I must advise you to govern yourself according...

Letter Notice of Job Opening

Dear Our firm has an opening in our (specify) department for a (position) This will be a permanent position and the applicant must have the following qualifications: Starting salary is (amount or dependent on applicant's qualifications) and the working hours are from (time) to (time) , Monday through Friday. Thank you for your assistance. If you require any additional information please contact (individual) We are an equal opportunity employ...

Letter Canceling Unfilled Order

Dear Our customer has informed us that she can wait no longer for the merchandise we ordered from you on (date) . We are therefore canceling our purchase order # , which was contingent on delivery prior to (date) . Under the circumstances, we are certain that you will understand the necessity of our canceling this ord...

Late Return Authorization

Dear This is to acknowledge your letter of (date) , in which you informed us that the merchandise delivered to you on (date) was defective. If you will read our terms and conditions for sale, you will note that our policy provides our customers with (time) to inspect and either accept or reject our merchandise in regards to defects, inasmuch as we feel this affords our customers an adequate period of time to be assured that the merchandise is free from defects. Since this is the first time you have made this request of us, we will accept the return of the merchandise and issue a credit to your account in the amount of $ . Please (instructions for return of merchandise). We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and appreciate having your firm as one of our valued cus...

Late Payment Cover Letter

Dear Enclosed is our payment in the amount of (amount) which should clear up any balance in our account with you. We are very sorry that it has taken such a long time to remit our payment to you and we hope that you will understand that we have been experiencing some extremely difficult cash flow problems. We are happy to inform you, however, that we are now on the road to recovery and anticipate a good year. Thank you for your understanding and the courteousness you have shown our company during this rough peri...

Lapsed Subscription Renewal Offer

Dear Having had the pleasure of mailing you (name of magazine) every month for the past three years, we were wondering if perhaps you haven't realized that your subscription ran out in (month) We mailed you our (month) issue and have not yet removed your name from our subscriber's list inasmuch as we felt that you may be unaware that it is time for your renewal. We have enclosed our renewal subscription card for you which provides for 12 issues of (name of magazine) at the low price of $ per issue, or $ less than the newsstand price. As you can see, this represents a substantial savings. We are looking forward to hearing from you so...

Job Applicant Employment Verification Form

Dear The person identified below is being considered for employment and has signed a statement authorizing this verification and investigation. We shall appreciate a statement of your opinions and experiences as outlined below. Your reply will be considered confidential. ___________________________________ Name of Applicant ___________________________________ Social Security Number ___________________________________ Dates of Claimed Employment ___________________________________ Position Last Held ___________________________________ Final Rate of Pay Is the above information correct? Yes______ No________ If not please make corrections. What is your opinion as to this person's Ability________________________Effort_________________________ Conduct________________________Attendance_____________________ Reason...

Job Applicant Education Verification Cover Letter

Dear Robin William is being considered for employment and has signed the attached statement authorizing your school to release the information requested below. Please complete the form and return it to us in the enclosed envelope. We sincerely appreciate your cooperati...

Invitation to Demo New Product Line

Gentlemen: It is our great pleasure to inform you that our new product line is ready for your inspection. We believe that you will be delightfully surprised to see some of our latest innovations in both concept and design and invite you to call for an appointment to visit our display room (name of individual) will be happy to arrange a demonstration time for you at your convenience. We will look forward to seeing you so...

Insurance Refund on Close of Escrow

Dear We have received notice from the (escrow agency) that you have completed the sale of your home. The homeowner's insurance policy that was in effect at the time of your sale provided coverage through (date) Therefore, you will be receiving a refund for the unused portion of the premium that you have paid. You can anticipate receiving our check within two wee...

Insurance Binder

INSURANCE BINDER Effective Date and Hour__________________________ Insured__________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Company__________________________________________ Premium__________________________________________ __________________________________________ Coverage___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ This binder is evidence that ___________________________has placed the described insurance with the above Company for the amount set forth. This binder shall remain in force for ____days from the date of commencement of liability hereunder or when, if earlier, it is...

Inquiry to Manufacturer on Product Availability

Gentlemen: My mother gave me her Chambers Mixmaster when I was married in 1963. While I have no record of a serial number, I would venture to say that she purchased it around 1955. The fact that this appliance never once failed either of us, nor required any service whatsoever throughout all of those year's of use, is one that deserves to be brought to your attention. You truly make fine kitchen equipment. The problem is that during our recent move to Florida the movers lost my Mixmaster. After inquiring at several retail outlets as to where I could locate an older model as a replacement, I am following their suggestions that I write to you. While I know your current model has many new advantages, I would prefer to purchase one of older vintage. Can you help? I shall be looking forward...

Initial Notice of Balance Discrepancy

Dear In your letter dated / / ,you have indicated that my current balance in the above referenced account is $ Since this amount does not agree with my records, I am preparing an accounting to find the discrepancy. Unfortunately, my accountant still has all of my 2006 cancelled checks which were delivered to him for the preparation of my 2006 tax return. I have made arrangements for these checks to be returned to me and should have a reconciliation ready for your review within the next ten days. Once I am satisfied with the accuracy of the accounting, I will forward a letter, with any required documentation, to your attention. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matt...

Individual Charge Account Denial Letter

Dear We regret to inform you that we are unable to open a charge account for you at present due to information obtained from the following consumer reporting agency: We wish to advise you that you have the right under federal law to obtain full disclosure of the nature and substance of all information on you that is contained in the files of the consumer credit reporting agency, with the exception of medical data, upon the presentment of proper identification. Although we are unable to offer you credit terms, we would be pleased to welcome you as a customer and hope that we will be able to open a charge account for you some time in the future. Thank you for submitting your application to ...

Holiday Letter to Stockholders

To our Shareholders: We want to extend to each and everyone of you our warmest wishes for the coming holiday season. We are enclosing the financial results for the fourth quarter and year to date period ending (date) and hope that this "good news" will add to your holiday spirits. May your Christmas and Chanukah season be filled with happiness and joy, followed by a most wonderful New Ye...

Guarantor Instrument

Dear As inducement for you to approve and ship the captioned entity's order for (specify) and ancillary equipment, ________________________, hereinafter called the guarantor agrees to guarantee payment of the (number) installments of the (number) year conditional sales contract. Guarantor acknowledges and agrees that it may receive a substantial benefit from the said agreement between (name of supplier) and (name of user). By ______________________ Dated ___________________...


GUARANTEE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby guarantee absolutely and unconditionally prompt payment of the within Note and agree to pay all cost of collection, legal expenses and attorneys' fees, incurred or paid by the holder of the within Note in the collection and/or enforcement of said Note and the enforcement of this Guaranty. No renewal or extension of said Note, no release or surrender of any security for said Note or this Guaranty, no release of any person primarily or secondarily liable on said Note (including any maker, endorser or guarantor), no delay in the enforcement of payment of said Note or this Guaranty and no delay or omission in exercising any right or power under said Note on this Guaranty shall affect the liability of any of the undersigned hereunder. The undersigned...

Grant of Request for Extension of Time

Dear Thank you for your letter of (date) in which you explained the circumstances behind your request for an extension of time to remit your payment on invoice # We do appreciate your straightforwardness and have noted on your account that your payment will be made on (date) You have been a loyal customer of ours for quite some time and if this gesture on our part helps to ease your current situation, we are pleased to be of assistan...

Good Faith Partial Payment to Creditor

Dear This is to inform you that I am in receipt of your letter of (date) and I acknowledge that my account is in the arrears in the amount of $ We have been experiencing some difficulties lately in collecting our accounts receivable and unfortunately the domino theory has become a reality. In fairness to all of our creditors, I would like to suggest that I send you $ per month for a period of months in order to satisfy this obligation. I am enclosing the first check for $ as a sign of good faith and am hoping that this proposal will be acceptable to you. It is understood that should we be successful in our attempts to collect some of our larger receivables during the next months, I will be most happy to remit the entire balance owing on this account. Please let me hear from you regarding...

Good Customer Conversion of Account to C.O.D.

Dear This is to acknowledge our telephone conversation regarding the past due balance on your account. Perhaps your remittance to clear this amount has been mailed, and if so, please accept our thanks. However, if it has not yet been sent, we hope a check can be put in the mail in another day or two to bring your account up to date. All merchandise orders are currently being referred to us. Your check to clear this past due balance must be received before future shipments can be made. We are sorry to see that your account once again carries a past due balance. When I met with you recently, I stated that we were willing to continue our extension of credit at the present level with the understanding that your account be maintained on a current basis. Unfortunately, this is not the case at...

Going-Away Party Invitation and Gift

Dear We are throwing a going away party for Liza, which will hopefully be a surprise. Inasmuch as she is becoming an "Army Wife", we thought it might be appropriate to buy her a really nice set of luggage. We are asking that everyone chip in $21.50 to make this a reality. Please let me know if this is okay with you. The party is planned for Liza's last day, which is Friday, June 15th, right after work. It ought to be f...

General Affidavit

GENERAL AFFIDAVIT State of __________________ County of _________________ Before the undersigned, an officer duly commissioned by the laws of ____________, on this_____day of _____________, 20____, personally appeared ______________________________ who having been first duly sworn depose and say: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Witness:________________ _______________________________ Sworn and subscribed before me this ___day of ___________ A.D. 20__ __________________________ _______________________...

Friendly Apology for Late Payment

Dear Your letter arrived a few days ago and I must confess that this obligation completely slipped my mind. Needless to say, there is no excuse for this and I extend my sincerest apologies along with the attached check. Please accept our warmest regards and sincerest hope that all is well. We certainly look forward to meeting you in the near future. Again, thank you for the hospitality you extended to our son during the vacation period. I am sure Rob has enjoyed and will continue to enjoy the friendship of your s...

Fourth Overdue Payment Reminder

Dear Would you believe that we simply detest writing letters such as this one? We know that you certainly can't enjoy hearing from us under these circumstances. I am, of course, referring to the fact that your account has fallen very far behind. We want you to remain a customer of ours, to continue to buy our merchandise, and to know when we are planning an outstanding sale. What do you say? Can we hear from you today? We are so anxious that we even placed a stamp on the envelope for your remittance. If you are unable to send us the payment, please give me a call at the above telephone number. Thank y...

New Employee Welcome

Dear It is with great pleasure that I welcome you as a new employee to (name of firm) I am very pleased that you have chosen to accept our offer of employment and know that this is the beginning of a mutually beneficial association. We encourage our personnel to take advantage of selected courses that are available in this vicinity, in order to improve their skills and learn new skills in related areas. The courses and their corresponding registration dates are listed on the employee bulletin board for your review. If you decide to attend one of these courses, please advise your office manager and he will make the necessary arrangements. Once again, welcome to (name of fi...

New Customer Welcome

Dear The (name of firm) would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that you will be extremely satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our customers. You are invited to purchase our merchandise on our regular open account terms, (set forth terms) Our credit manager, (name) , will be happy to discuss any aspect of our credit policy with you at your convenience. I am enclosing our catalog and price list for your review. I believe that you will find our prices competitive and in keeping with industry trends. Throughout the year we offer our valued customers frequent discounts as an incentive and as a showing of our appreciation. I do hope you will afford us the opportunity to serve you in the near futu...

New Business Announcement for Use with Credit Application

Gentlemen: It is our pleasure to inform you that the (name of new business) is now open for business. Our firm is located at (location) and we specialize in We have enclosed a credit application in your name should you be interested in opening an account with us. We will look forward to your coming in for a visit or calling us if you would like to have one of our representatives come to your offi...

Negative Response to Job Candidate Interview

Dear It was a pleasure meeting with you yesterday and having the opportunity to discuss your education and your career goals. I appreciate your candidness and feel that since your objectives are to work in the field of (specify area) you should attempt to obtain a position with a firm that would enable you to gain experience in your preferred area. Unfortunately, our business does not afford you this opportunity. I am certain that you will find a position which suits you soon and I believe that you have a great deal to contribute. Please accept my best wishes for your futu...

Negative Response to Job Application, No Openings

Dear Thank you for your recent application for employment with (name of company) We regret to inform you that there are no openings in our firm at this time. While we know this is disappointing news, we would like to retain your application in our files for future openings. Thank you for your interest in working for our compa...

Negative Response to Job Application

Dear Thank you for your recent application to join our company as a (position requested) While we do not have an opening in your area at this time, we will certainly keep your application on file. Should a position become available in the future, we shall inform you and arrange a convenient time for testi...

Mutual Release

MUTUAL RELEASE This mutual release, executed on (date), between (name of first party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , and (name of second party) of (address) , City of , County of , State of , is intended to effect the elimination of any obligations by either party as hereinafter designated. Whereas, disputes and differences have arisen between the parties with respect to that certain contract entered into by said parties and executed on (date) , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, both parties have agreed to settle said disputes and differences by executing this mutual release. Whereas, both parties recognize that by the execution of this mutual release, they are relinquishing their respective legal rights with reference to the herein mentioned disputes and...

Mutual Cancellation of Lease

MUTUAL CANCELLATION OF LEASE FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Lessee), and _ (Lessor), under a certain lease agreement between the parties under date of _, 20_ (Lease), do hereby mutually agree to terminate and cancel said Lease effective _, 20_ and all rights and obligations under said Lease shall thereupon be cancelled excepting only for any obligations under the Lease accruing prior to the effective termination date. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_. ______________________________ Lessee ______________________________ Les...

Monthly Partial Payment to Creditor

Dear In accordance with our agreement, I am enclosing our check in the amount of $28.46, which represents a minimum payment that you can expect each month from our firm. As you will note, this amount will decrease the balance owing to zero in twelve payments. Naturally, if we can generate a check, either more frequently or in larger amounts, please be assured that we will. Furthermore, we are hopeful that we will be successful in collecting some of our very large receivables, which would enable us to pay the entire amount due. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperati...

Merry Xmas in Many Languages

To our friends all over the world, (name of firm) extends to you and your loved ones our best wishes for a Vrolijke Kersttmis Sarbatori Felicite Joyeux Noel Tin Hao Nian Froeliche Weihnachten Felice Natale Kinga Shinnen Glad Julen Ichok Yilara Boas Festas Chrustovjna Wesloych Swiat Glaedelig Jul Veselele Vanoche Felice Pascuas Sretan Bozic Boldog Karacsonyi Unnepeket Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ye...

Memorandum on Sales Seminar

TO: Bill Meredith FROM: Mr. Chambers SUBJECT: Seminar Dear Bill: A seminar is being held at the Bolten Hotel on June 15, 2006 at 1:00 P.M. on Selling Computerized High Technology. It is being conducted by ABC Corporation and should be extremely informative. We are strongly recommending that every member of the sales force attend this seminar and we will, of course, pay the entrance fees for all those attending. I would appreciate it if you would encourage everyone to go, and provide me with the names of those who will be attending no later than June 1...

Media Survey Form

MEDIA SURVEY How did you learn of our product? A. Television Commercial? Yes_______ No________ If "Yes", which channel?______________________ When? Morning________ Afternoon______ Evening_______ Late Night______ B. Radio Spot? Yes________ No________ If "Yes", which station?_______________________ When? Morning__________ Afternoon________ Evening________ C. Newspaper? Yes_________ No_______ If "Yes", which one?____________________________ D. Store Display? Yes_____ No_______ If "Yes", which store?__________________________ E. Other_________________________________________...

Long Reply to Inquiry About Discontinued Model

Dear Having received your letter regarding your Chambers Mixmaster, I would like to thank you for your kind words about our products. It is heartwarming to know that this appliance remained with your family for nearly thirty years and never "let you down." We only updated our Chambers Mixmaster once, and that occurred in the new 1976 models. Therefore, the model you are referring to would have to be our original style, model # 3309. I regret to say that we do not have any of the discontinued models for I can understand why it held sentimental value for you. I can, however, assure you that our current model which is available in finer department stores and appliance centers has been made with the same fine quality to which you have grown accustomed. You may be surprised to know that it comes...

Letter to Small Businessman in Advance of Collections

Dear As a good businessman, you are aware of the manner in which accounts that have become seriously past due must be handled. I am not going to attempt to think of some clever phrase or witty jingle to get your attention. Neither do I wish to embarrass, intimidate or do any of the nasty things that are often done to encourage payment. I am merely informing you that the account has reached a point where we must decide within a few days whether to turn it over for collection or just hand it to our attorneys, neither of which is our preference. We know that you understand our predicament and are probably experiencing a similar situation with some of your aging accounts. We would like to hear from you and learn what your intentions are in regard to this accou...

Letter to Customer Not Home for Service Appointment

Dear On (date) our serviceman came to your home to install your new (product) and found that there was no one there. This was the date that we had arranged for installation, but I know that things like this can happen. I would appreciate it if you will call me at (telephone), so that we can arrange a convenient time to have this work done for y...

Letter Order of Merchandise

Dear Please send me the following items from your Springtime catalog: 1 Freedom 5" Color TV #ACI645 $299 (7.50) $306.50 1 Dog Race Analyzer #WNW209 $ 50 (3.50) 53.50 _______ Total $360.00 I am enclosing my check made payable to you in the amount of $372.25, which includes the cost of handling and shipping. Thank y...

Letter of Understanding Regarding Terms of Proposed Contract

Dear This will confirm that which we discussed during our telephone conversation earlier today. It is agreed that your firm, (name of firm) , will provide the technical support for the (name of project) while we will provide the technical equipment, to your specifications, and all funds necessary, up to (ceiling amount) to complete the (intent) If this meets with your understanding of our conversation, please sign a copy of this letter and return it to my office. Upon our receipt of this verified letter, we will forward same to our attorneys for final contract drafting and revisions. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope to join you soon for a toast to our mutual success in the (proje...

Letter of Resignation

Dear This is to inform you that an opportunity has presented itself that will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, which is (designate) I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment. I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for (name of firm) , a truly outstanding organizati...

Letter of Follow Up or Duplicate Order

Dear On May 1st we ordered 100 copies of your book, "How to Write Successful Business Letters", but we have not yet received an acknowledgment of that order. As our first order may have gone astray, please consider this a duplica...

Letter of Encouragement to Sales Staff

TO: Sales Department FROM: H.C.C. Dear ( Name of Company ) Family Member: There are two sides to the story, two sides of a coin, and two ways to face the day. There are always the prophets of doom and the cynics who will be happy to lead their followers through long periods of drought and famine. When an unfortunate individual starts blaming his own failures on others, and on conditions over which he has no control, he can usually forget about achieving his goals. There are good times and bad times, but at all times there are sales that are made and sales that are lost. You have all proven that you are not only capable, but excel as salesmen. I am proud of the accomplishments of our sales force and know that nothing can hold back the motivated individual who has an excellent product...

Letter of Default on Promissory Note

LETTER OF DEFAULT ON PROMISSORY NOTE Date: _ To: _ Reference is made to a certain promissory note under date of _, 20_, in the original amount of $_. You have defaulted under said note in that the installment due on _, 20_, in the amount of $_ has not been paid. Accordingly, demand is hereby made upon you for full payment of the entire balance on said note in the amount of $_, including accrued interest to date. In the event the entire balance is not paid within the next seven days, I shall refer this matter to an attorney resulting in additional costs of collection. Very truly, ___________________________...

Letter of Credit (Irrevocable)

Letter of Credit (Irrevocable) __________________(Bank) _______________(Address) ____________(City,State) __________________(Date) Irrevocable Credit All drafts drawn must indicate credit number. Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized to value on the (bank) , of the City of ________________, State of______________, for any sum or sums up to the aggregate of ____________ ($ ) Dollars For the account of Available by your drafts at (specify) day's sight. Drafts are to be accepted only against delivery of the following documents: Documents of title must be dated not later than _______, 20__. All drafts against this credit are to be drawn and negotiated before (date) . We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers, and bona fide holders of drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of this...

Letter of Credit (General)

(date line) LETTER OF CREDIT (GENERAL) (name of bank) (address) (city, state, zip) (country) Sir: We hereby agree to accept and pay at maturity any draft or drafts on us, at day's sight, issued by (name of individual) of your city, to the extent of (amount of limit) ($ ) Dollars, and negotiated through your bank. Most respectfully yours, _____________________ (Signature) DATED: _____________________ ____________________(ADDRESS) I hereby guarantee the due acceptance of payment of any draft issued in pursuance of the above credit. ________________________ (SIGNATURE OF GUARANT...

Letter of Authorization to Negotiate

TO: ______________________ This letter will authorize you to negotiate, discuss and in any other way communicate with_______________in those areas relative to________________________________________________ This letter will further authorize ___________to act in all matters on behalf of ______________________________________ The intent of this authorization is not to be construed to limit, in any way, the power of ______________to act in our behalf, enter into agreements, or contract_________________ ____________________________________in both financial areas and sales areas. Therefore, by the existence of this instrument we hereby authorize________________to accept or reject agreements, to enter into contracts binding upon_____________________, and to act in whatever way necessary so...

Letter of Appreciation to Employee

Dear Your enthusiasm and your ability to motivate your employees has resulted in a significant increase in productivity and profitability. If we had an award to give, you would be the prime candidate. Please accept my sincerest appreciation for the fine job you are doing in our sales departme...

Letter Notice of Rescission

Gentlemen: I hereby rescind my agreement to purchase (item(s)) under the agreement entered between (company) and myself on (date). This rescission notice is being mailed to you within the three day period provided for under Federal L...

Letter Notice of Litigation

Dear All of our efforts to settle the above matter amicably have been unsuccessful. We have made numerous calls and, to date, have not had the courtesy of a call back. We have delayed legal proceedings up to now based on your assurances that we would be paid in full by (date) I am enclosing copies of your letters stating that intention. Please be advised that you have left us no alternative but to file suit immediately. We have attempted to be understanding of your cash flow problems but our patience has now reached an end. Your account is being turned over to our attorney. While I regret the necessity of this action I must advise you to govern yourself according...

Letter Notice of Job Opening

Dear Our firm has an opening in our (specify) department for a (position) This will be a permanent position and the applicant must have the following qualifications: Starting salary is (amount or dependent on applicant's qualifications) and the working hours are from (time) to (time) , Monday through Friday. Thank you for your assistance. If you require any additional information please contact (individual) We are an equal opportunity employ...

Letter Canceling Unfilled Order

Dear Our customer has informed us that she can wait no longer for the merchandise we ordered from you on (date) . We are therefore canceling our purchase order # , which was contingent on delivery prior to (date) . Under the circumstances, we are certain that you will understand the necessity of our canceling this ord...

Late Return Authorization

Dear This is to acknowledge your letter of (date) , in which you informed us that the merchandise delivered to you on (date) was defective. If you will read our terms and conditions for sale, you will note that our policy provides our customers with (time) to inspect and either accept or reject our merchandise in regards to defects, inasmuch as we feel this affords our customers an adequate period of time to be assured that the merchandise is free from defects. Since this is the first time you have made this request of us, we will accept the return of the merchandise and issue a credit to your account in the amount of $ . Please (instructions for return of merchandise). We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our product and appreciate having your firm as one of our valued cus...

Late Payment Cover Letter

Dear Enclosed is our payment in the amount of (amount) which should clear up any balance in our account with you. We are very sorry that it has taken such a long time to remit our payment to you and we hope that you will understand that we have been experiencing some extremely difficult cash flow problems. We are happy to inform you, however, that we are now on the road to recovery and anticipate a good year. Thank you for your understanding and the courteousness you have shown our company during this rough peri...

Lapsed Subscription Renewal Offer

Dear Having had the pleasure of mailing you (name of magazine) every month for the past three years, we were wondering if perhaps you haven't realized that your subscription ran out in (month) We mailed you our (month) issue and have not yet removed your name from our subscriber's list inasmuch as we felt that you may be unaware that it is time for your renewal. We have enclosed our renewal subscription card for you which provides for 12 issues of (name of magazine) at the low price of $ per issue, or $ less than the newsstand price. As you can see, this represents a substantial savings. We are looking forward to hearing from you so...

Job Applicant Employment Verification Form

Dear The person identified below is being considered for employment and has signed a statement authorizing this verification and investigation. We shall appreciate a statement of your opinions and experiences as outlined below. Your reply will be considered confidential. ___________________________________ Name of Applicant ___________________________________ Social Security Number ___________________________________ Dates of Claimed Employment ___________________________________ Position Last Held ___________________________________ Final Rate of Pay Is the above information correct? Yes______ No________ If not please make corrections. What is your opinion as to this person's Ability________________________Effort_________________________ Conduct________________________Attendance_____________________ Reason...

Job Applicant Education Verification Cover Letter

Dear Robin William is being considered for employment and has signed the attached statement authorizing your school to release the information requested below. Please complete the form and return it to us in the enclosed envelope. We sincerely appreciate your cooperati...

Invitation to Demo New Product Line

Gentlemen: It is our great pleasure to inform you that our new product line is ready for your inspection. We believe that you will be delightfully surprised to see some of our latest innovations in both concept and design and invite you to call for an appointment to visit our display room (name of individual) will be happy to arrange a demonstration time for you at your convenience. We will look forward to seeing you so...

Insurance Refund on Close of Escrow

Dear We have received notice from the (escrow agency) that you have completed the sale of your home. The homeowner's insurance policy that was in effect at the time of your sale provided coverage through (date) Therefore, you will be receiving a refund for the unused portion of the premium that you have paid. You can anticipate receiving our check within two wee...

Insurance Binder

INSURANCE BINDER Effective Date and Hour__________________________ Insured__________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Company__________________________________________ Premium__________________________________________ __________________________________________ Coverage___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ This binder is evidence that ___________________________has placed the described insurance with the above Company for the amount set forth. This binder shall remain in force for ____days from the date of commencement of liability hereunder or when, if earlier, it is...

Inquiry to Manufacturer on Product Availability

Gentlemen: My mother gave me her Chambers Mixmaster when I was married in 1963. While I have no record of a serial number, I would venture to say that she purchased it around 1955. The fact that this appliance never once failed either of us, nor required any service whatsoever throughout all of those year's of use, is one that deserves to be brought to your attention. You truly make fine kitchen equipment. The problem is that during our recent move to Florida the movers lost my Mixmaster. After inquiring at several retail outlets as to where I could locate an older model as a replacement, I am following their suggestions that I write to you. While I know your current model has many new advantages, I would prefer to purchase one of older vintage. Can you help? I shall be looking forward...

Initial Notice of Balance Discrepancy

Dear In your letter dated / / ,you have indicated that my current balance in the above referenced account is $ Since this amount does not agree with my records, I am preparing an accounting to find the discrepancy. Unfortunately, my accountant still has all of my 2006 cancelled checks which were delivered to him for the preparation of my 2006 tax return. I have made arrangements for these checks to be returned to me and should have a reconciliation ready for your review within the next ten days. Once I am satisfied with the accuracy of the accounting, I will forward a letter, with any required documentation, to your attention. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matt...

Individual Charge Account Denial Letter

Dear We regret to inform you that we are unable to open a charge account for you at present due to information obtained from the following consumer reporting agency: We wish to advise you that you have the right under federal law to obtain full disclosure of the nature and substance of all information on you that is contained in the files of the consumer credit reporting agency, with the exception of medical data, upon the presentment of proper identification. Although we are unable to offer you credit terms, we would be pleased to welcome you as a customer and hope that we will be able to open a charge account for you some time in the future. Thank you for submitting your application to ...

Follow Up Letter, Travel Agency

Dear Thank you for giving (name of agency) the opportunity to make your travel arrangements for your recent trip to (destination) We hope that you were pleased with the air travel and the hotel accommodations that we arranged for you. We encourage your comments, insofar as that is the best means that we have for learning first hand if the representations of quality that are made to us are accurate. We will look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will afford us the opportunity to help you plan your next vacation or business trip. Thank y...

Five Day Demand for Payment

Dear Our accounting department has turned your past due account over to me hoping that I could persuade you to bring it current prior to forwarding your file to our legal department. When our firm extends credit to an individual such as yourself, it bases its decision on that applicant's previous credit history and ability to pay. When you requested credit from us, you met all of these criteria. Today, however, your account has reached the critical stage. You can avoid any additional costs if you mail your check in the amount of (amount) I must hear from you within five da...

Firm Letter on Past Due Account

Dear On (date) we called your attention to your account balance in the amount of $ According to our records we have not received either a reply to our letter or a remittance to clear this account. We extended credit to you on your account in good faith and expected payment under our normal thirty day terms which we feel are most reasonable. So that no further action on our part will be necessary, we shall expect a remittance by return mail or the courtesy of a reply to our letter as to why payment is being withhe...

Financing Statement

FINANCING STATEMENT ____________________________________________________________ Debtor (Last Name First/Individual) Social Security Number ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City, State Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Additional Debtor - (If Any) Social Security Number ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City, State Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Debtor's Trade Names or Styles Federal Tax Number ____________________________________________________________ Secured Party Social Security No. Name Federal Tax No. or Address Bank Transit and City, State A.B.A. No. Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Assignee...

Final Warning Before Dismissal

FINAL WARNING BEFORE DISMISSAL Date: _ To: _ (Employee) You have been previously notified of certain problems in your performance as an employee, which problems appear to continue. Any further violations of company policy or failure to perform in accordance with our standards shall result in immediate dismissal without further warning. ____________________________...

Final Notice of Impending Litigation

Dear The postmark of this letter is registered with our office. Unless you contact us at (telephone), you will run the risk of your local Sheriff serving you with a Summons and Complaint to appear in Court without further notice to you. Filing of suit will initiate a series of events that will cause you considerable inconvenience and expense. In addition to the above mentioned balance, you may be liable for court costs and interest. In the event you should fail to contact us immediately, we will assume that this debt is valid. Should you have any reason to dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office will obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of the Judgment and mail you a copy of same. This office will also provide you with the name and address of the...

Final Notice Before Legal Action

FINAL NOTICE BEFORE LEGAL ACTION Date: _ To: _ (Customer) We have repeatedly requested payment of $_, on your overdue account. Our demands for payment have been ignored. Accordingly, we shall turn this account over for collection within the next ten days unless payment, or an acceptable proposal for payment is obtained. Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating. Very truly, ____________________________...

Final Demand for Payment on Delinquent Account

Dear Your account has been referred to me with instructions that I make final demand for payment of this debt. Inasmuch as the outstanding balance is sizable, I have outlined a payment plan for you as a method to retire the entire balance over the next (number) months if you are unable to forward the full amount at this time. Amount Due $ Payment $ Monthly Due Date $ This offer is being made to you as our expression of wanting to settle your account in an amicable manner. If we do not receive your first payment by the date indicated above, we will have no choice but to refer your account to a collection agency. We do not wish to take any action which might impair your credit rating and therefore request that you give this matter your most immediate attenti...

Fifth Overdue Payment Reminder, Notice of Credit Hold

Dear It is because we do not want you to experience unnecessary embarrassment, that we are writing this letter to you. As we have reminded you, your account is past due and I am sorry to inform you that if you were to present your charge card at our store today, our sales personnel could not accept the charge without an okay from the credit department. This would necessitate your going to the credit department to discuss the status of your bill before the charge would be approved. You have been too good of a customer in the past to have to go through this procedure, but unless we receive your payment we have no other alternative, due to our company policy. We have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience and are requesting that you please mail us your payment today. Thank...

Fictitious Name Certificate - Partnership

Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - by Partnership Certificate IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The undersigned are the partners of a ____________ (general or limited) partnership that is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of ____________, under the fictitious name of _____________________________. 2. The principal place of said business is located at _________________________________________. 3. The full names and places of residence of the undersigned are : _________________________, whose place of residence is ___________________________________________. _________________________, whose place of residence is __________________________________________. Dated: ________________ /S/__________________________ /S/_________________...

Fictitious Name Certificate - Individual

Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - by Individual Certificate KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned does hereby certify the following: 1. The undersigned is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of _____________ under the fictitious name of ______________________________________. 2. The principal place of said business is located at ______________________________________. 3. The full name of the undersigned is _________________. 4. The place of residence of the undersigned is _________ _______________________________________. Dated _______________ ________________________ (Signatu...

Fictitious Name Certificate - By Corporation

Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - By Corporation Certificate KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That the undersigned corporation hereby certifies that it is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of ___________________, under the fictitious name of _______________; and that the principal place of business of said corporation in the State of __________ is located at _____________________, in the City of ________________, County of _________________________. Dated: ___________________ _______________________ (Name of Corporation) (Corporate Seal) By _______________________ (/S/ Corporate Officer) (ACKNOWLEDGME...

Extension of Lease

EXTENSION OF LEASE EXTENSION AGREEMENT made by and between _ (Landlord), and _ (Tenant), relative to a certain lease agreement for premises known as _, and dated _, 20_ (Lease). For good consideration, Landlord and Tenant each agree to extend the term of said Lease for a period of (_) years commencing on _, 20_ and terminating on _, 20_, with no further right to renewal or extension beyond said termination date. During extended term, Tenant shall pay rent of $_ per annum, payable $_ per month in advance, in lieu of the rent contained in the original Lease. It is further provided, however, that all other terms of the Lease shall continue during this extended term as if set forth herein. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_. _______________________________ Landlord ...

Explanation of Insurance Rate Increase

Dear We are in receipt of a directive from (name of company) concerning the above captioned Regulation. This new regulation went into effect on (date) and requires that complications of pregnancy be covered in the same manner as any other injury or disease. "Complications" is defined as anything other than a normal delivery. This is applicable to any employee, dependent spouse or dependent child. Due to the potential increase in claims, it has become necessary to increase our quoted rates to comply with this regulation. The new employee rate will be $ and the new spouse rates will be $ ; the new spouse and children rate will be $ and the new children only rate will be $ If you have any questions regarding these rate increases due to the change in regulations, please feel free to ca...

Explanation for Delay of Partial Shipment

Dear After some investigation, I believe that we have found the source of the problem that led us to our misunderstanding on (date) When we received your purchase order for (quantity, product), we were unable to fill the order for immediate delivery due to (explanation for delay in delivery) Our letter informing you of this delay and requesting your instructions was mailed to you on (date) We did not receive a reply and proceeded to send a follow-up letter to you on (date) We have been able to make delivery to you since the (date) but felt that since you had emphasized "for immediate delivery" on your purchase order, we should wait for your authorization before shipping. I can easily understand why you were so upset with us (day) if no one made you aware of our correspondence. We have always...

Expense Account Statement Form

EXPENSE ACCOUNT STATEMENT Employee:_________________________________________________________ For period ending:________________________________________________ REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED Hotel/Lodging $_________________________ Meals $_________________________ Tax $_________________________ Travel (air, train, bus) $_________________________ Personal auto _____ miles x ___ cents $_________________________ Parking $_________________________ Phone $_________________________ Other (itemize): _____________________ $_________________________ _____________________ $_________________________ _____________________ $_________________________ _____________________ $_________________________ Total: $_________________________ ------------------------- I certify the above is a true statement...

Expense Account Statement

EXPENSE ACCOUNT STATEMENT Employee: _ For period ending: _ REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES INCURRED Hotel/Lodging $_ Meals $_ Tax $_ Travel (air, train, bus) $_ Personal auto _ miles x _ cents $_ Parking $_ Phone $_ Other (itemize): _ $_ Total: $_ ------------------------- I certify the above is a true statement of incurred expenses in accordance with company policy. Receipts are attached. _______________________________ Employee Approved for payment: By:__________________________...

Escrow Fee Worksheet

Escrow No.________ Date______________ STATEMENT OF:___________________________ DEBITS CREDITS Deposits___________________________________________________ Loan Proceeds___________________________________________ Demand for Deed and/or Note________________________________ Interest___________________________________________________ Prepayment Bonus___________________________________________ Forwarding Fee_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Pro Taxes_________________________________________________ Rata Insurance_____________________________________________ Commission_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Mechanic's...

Escrow Check Receipt

Escrow No.________ Date______________ Checks for Collection: On_________________________________________ Maker______________________________________ On_________________________________________ Maker__________________Endorser____________ Received above from: _____________________ to be used_ in accordance with written instructions in said escrow. _______________________ By__________________...

Equipment Maintenance Agreement

EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ( Name of Company ) agrees to provide maintenance service including up to two maintenance calls annually and interim calls as required at the installation address specified above on the equipment listed. All charges specified are those currently in effect and are subject to change only at the time of subsequent annual renewal. If the charges are increased, the customer may, as of the effective date of such increase, terminate this Agreement by written notice to ( Name of Company ). Otherwise, the new charges shall become effective upon the date specified in the renewal invoice. This Agreement is limited to equipment regularly operated during a single eight hour shift per day, and all ( Name of Company ) calls hereunder are restricted to the normal working hours...

Equipment Leasing Agreement

Equipment Leasing Agreement ( Name of Company ) agrees to furnish and Customer agrees to hire the services of ______________________________________________ ______________("Equipment"), to be installed at the address (s) indicated below, subject solely to the terms and conditions of the existing ( Name of Company )Contract Pricing Agreement between________________________________________ and ( Name of Company ) . Monthly Annual Two Year Contract No: Customer and Billing Address Installation Address ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ Customer acknowledges the responsibilities of providing suitable electrical service...

Employment Reimbursement Agreement

EMPLOYMENT REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT The undersigned officer or employee of _ (Company), agrees to repay to the Company all compensation payments or reimbursements that are disallowed, in whole or in part, as a deductible expense by the Internal Revenue Service. The reimbursement shall be made to the full extent of the disallowance upon an adverse decision of the last tribunal or agency to consider the issue, provided the Company shall not be obligated to seek further appeal if available. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 20_. ___________________________...

Employment Letter

EMPLOYMENT LETTER Date: _ To: _ (Employee) Dear _: We are pleased to confirm your being employed by our firm in the capacity of _. You will report directly to _, commencing with your start of employment on _, 20_. Your salary shall be $_ per _. You will also be covered by the standard group benefit plans and fringe benefits explained to you. For the first year vacation time shall be pro-rated, so you will be entitled to _ days vacation for this year. If you agree, this letter sets for the our understanding, please sign the enclosed copy and return for our files. We look forward to your joining the company. Very truly, ____________________________...

Employment Information Form

EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION FORM Date:_______________ Employer_________________________ Telephone:_________________ Address__________________________ City_____________________________ State____________________________ Zip______________________________ Nature of business______________________________________________ Position to be filled___________________________________________ Employee qualifications_________________________________________ Number of employees needed______________________________________ Wages or salary $________________ per __________________________ Employment is _____temporary ______permanent Hours ________ to _______ Days ___________ to __________ Benefits________________________________________________________ We are an equal opportunity employ...

Employment Agreement

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agreement made between (name of company) , located at (address) , City of (city) , County of (county) State of (state) , herein referred to as "Company", and (name of employee) , of (address) , City of (city) , County of (county) , State of (state) herein referred to as "Employee". Company hereby employs employee to perform such duties at such times and in such manner as the company may from time to time direct. Employee agrees that he will perform those duties assigned to him to the best of his ability, to maintain a current and complete account of his work and expenses, to remit promptly to the company any monies paid to him or coming into his possession which belong to the company, to devote his full and undivided time to the transaction of company business and to...

Employment Agreement

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT EMPLOYEEMENT AGREEMENT by and between _ (Company), and _ (Employee). For good consideration, Company shall employ and the Employee agrees to be employed on the following terms: 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: Employment shall commence on _, 20_, time being of the essence. 2. DUTIES: Employee agrees to perform the following duties: (Describe general duties, or attach job description) _ Employee shall also perform such further duties as are incidental or implied from the foregoing, consistent with the background, training and qualifications of Employee or may be reasonably delegated as being in the best interests of the Company. The Employee shall devote full time to his employment and expend best efforts on behalf of Company. Employee further agrees to abide by all reasonable...

Employer's Verification on Loan Applicant

TO: Applicant_____________________ Address_______________________ City__________________________ Loan No.______________________ Escrow No.____________________ Gentlemen: I have applied for a real estate loan to be made by ( Name of Company ) Savings and Loan Association. I shall appreciate your completing the Employer's Verification below for their confidential use and forwarding it to: ( Name of Company ) Savings and Loan Association 1304 74th Circle N.E. St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 Thank you for your consideration and prompt reply, as it will avoid many delays. Very truly yours, __________________________ Applicant EMPLOYER'S VERIFICATION 1. Entered your employ:_________________________________ 2. Present Position:____________________________________ 3. Present Monthly Salary:...

Employee Suggestion for Company Meeting

TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Dear There is such a high degree of anxiety about the proposed merger with (name of firm) that I can see the effects in my department daily. I do not feel that the newsletter put out last week helped assuage the fears of the other employees. I believe that it might be beneficial to meet the issue head-on by holding a meeting wherein questions can be put forth and answers can be provided. There is a schism between employees and management that appears to be growing and presents a potential problem. If, for example, this merger fails to materialize, the employees may maintain their current feelings of alienation to the detriment of the organization. I know that there are many inherent problems in hashing this subject out in an open forum and these must be weighed against...

Employee Photo and Recording Release

RELEASE In consideration of my employment with the (name of firm) , ("Company") and as part of the services being furnished by me to said Company, I hereby give my consent to the photographing of myself and to the recording of my voice. The Company is hereby authorized to use or cause to be used said still photographs or motion picture footage, recordings of my voice and my name for advertising, publicity, commercial or other business purposes. Said photographs and/or recordings may be used singularly or in conjunction with other photographs and/or recordings. The Company has my authorization to reproduce, or cause to be reproduced and used such photographs and voice recordings. The same may be exhibited in all domestic and foreign markets. I understand that others may use and/or reproduce...

Employee Non-Compete Agreement (Specific Radius)

EMPLOYEE NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT (Specific Radius) FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, and in consideration of my being employed by _ (Company), I, the undersigned, hereby agree that upon my termination of employment and notwithstanding the cause of termination, I shall not compete with the business of the Company, or its successors or assigns. The term "not compete" as used in this agreement means that I shall not directly or indirectly, as an owner, officer, director, employee, consultant, or stockholder, engage in a business substantially similar or competitive to the business of the company. This non-compete agreement shall extend only for a radius of _ miles from the present location of the Company, and shall be in full force and effect for _ years, commencing with the date of employment termination. Signed...

Employee Non-Compete Agreement

EMPLOYEE NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, and in consideration of my being employed by _ (Company), I, the undersigned, hereby agree that upon my termination of employment and notwithstanding the cause of termination, I shall not compete with the business of the Company, or its successors or assigns. The term "not compete" as used in this agreement means that I shall not directly or indirectly own, be employed by or work on behalf of any firm engaged in a business substantially similar and competitive with the Company. This non-compete agreement shall remain in full force and effect for _ years commencing with the date of employment termination. Signed under seal this_ day of _, 20_. _______________________________ Emplo...

Employee Invention Agreement

EMPLOYEE INVENTION AGREEMENT FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, and in consideration of the undersigned being employed by_ (Company); the undersigned hereby agrees, acknowledges and represents: 1. The undersigned, during the course of employment, shall promptly disclose in writing to the company all inventions, discoveries, improvements, developments and innovations whether patentable or not, conceived in whole or in part by the undersigned or through assistance of the undersigned, and whether conceived or developed during working hours or not, which: a) Result from any work performed on behalf of Company, or pursuant to a suggested research project by the Company, or b) Relate in any manner to the existing or contemplated business of the Company, or c) Result from the use of the Company's time,...

Disputed Balance Notice

DISPUTED BALANCE NOTICE Date: _ To: _ We are in receipt of your statement dated _, 20_, indicating an account balance of $_. We dispute said balance for the reason(s) checked. ____ Goods billed for have not been received. ____ Prices are in excess of agreed amount. ____ Prior payment made in the amount of $_ on _, 20_. ____ Goods were unordered. ____ Goods were defective as per prior notice. ____ Goods are available for return as per our right of return and credit. ____ Other (Describe) _ Please adjust our account. Very truly, ____________________________...

Discreet Letter of Resignation

Dear It is with great sorrow that I am hereby tendering my resignation to you. Although there is much to say, I believe the reasons leading to this decision are known by you, and I will therefore leave them unsaid at this time. I appreciate having had the opportunity of being a member of (name of firm) for so many years and offer my best wishes for your continued succe...

Disclosure Statement, Fair Credit Reporting Act

DISCLOSURE (name of credit reporting agency) is a "consumer reporting agency" and, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, must report information in a manner that is fair and equitable to consumers. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to have incomplete or incorrect information reinvestigated by (name of credit reporting agency), unless the request is of a frivolous nature. If the information is found to be inaccurate or cannot be verified, you have the right to have such deleted from your file. If you dispute information (name of credit reporting agency) has in their file, and such dispute cannot be resolved, you have the right to have your version of said dispute placed in your file and included in future consumer reports. You have the right to be notified whenever information reported...

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