Notice to Debtor of Assignment of Debt

NOTICE TO DEBTOR OF ASSIGNMENT OF DEBT To: _ You are hereby notified that _ (Creditor) has sold and transferred to the undersigned all rights to its claim against you in the amount of $_. You are further notified to direct all payments to the undersigned to insure credit for payment. ______________________________ Name ______________________________ Address ______________________________ ...

Notice to Customer of Check Returned NSF

Dear Your check made payable to (name of firm) in the amount of $ has been returned to us for insufficient funds. The bank will not allow us to redeposit the check since it has already been presented on two occasions. Would you please bring the amount of the check, plus the $10.00 fee for our service charge for returned checks, to the manager's office at: (name of firm) (address) (city,state,zip) We must ask that this amount of $ be paid by either cash, certified check, or money order. If you have any questions, you can contact me at the above telephone number during office hours. Thank y...

Notice to Cancel Shipment of Back-Ordered Goods

NOTICE TO CANCEL SHIPMENT OF BACK-ORDERED GOODS Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 20_, a copy of which is attached. We have received a partial shipment and notice that certain goods are out of stock or on back order. Please cancel our order for the back-ordered goods and adjust our invoice for goods received. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice to Cancel Entire Order

NOTICE TO CANCEL ENTIRE ORDER Date: _ To: _ (Supplier) Reference is made to our purchase order or contract dated _, 20_, a copy of which is enclosed. Due to your failure to ship the goods within the time required, we hereby cancel said order, reserving such further rights we may have. Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice to Account Debtor of Assignment

NOTICE TO ACCOUNT DEBTOR OF ASSIGNMENT TO: _________________________ ______(address)__________ You are hereby notified that on (date) , (creditor) , of (address) , (city) , (state) , did assign all of his rights as secured party under the original Financing Statement, the date of which is (date) , File No. , filed on (date) , at (place of filing), to (name of assignee) , of (address) , (city) , (state) . A statement of said assignment has been filed at (place of filing) , on (date) , bearing File No. . You are hereby noticed that, effective (date) , your (monthly or other) payments of $ are to be made directly to (name of assignee) at (address) , (city) , (state) . Dated:__________...

Notice on Receipt of Unacceptable Merchandise

Dear This is to acknowledge receipt of the above referenced order and to inform you that the merchandise does not meet my specifications. Whereas I ordered: you sent me: Inasmuch as this item was intended as a gift, I must cancel my order and request a refund for the merchandise. If you will provide me with your instructions for returning this merchandise to your firm, I will arrange for its speedy delive...

Notice of Withholding Future Deliveries

NOTICE OF WITHHOLDING FUTURE DELIVERIES TO_____________________________ _________(address)___________ Notice is hereby given that we are withholding all further delivery of goods to you under that certain contract between us dated (date) , which sets forth the terms and conditions for our sale to you of (description of goods). That said action is being taken by us due to the fact that you have breached said contract by (manner in which contract has been breached) . Said breach of contract occurred on (date) and this action is being taken pursuant to (section and code). This is to also notify you that if you are willing to provide adequate assurance of due performance in the future to us, we shall reinstate said contract and deliveries to you will be resumed in accordance...

Notice of Withheld Delivery

NOTICE OF WITHHELD DELIVERY Date: _ To: _ (Customer) Reference is made to your order for certain goods under date of _, 20_. We are withholding delivery for the reason(s) checked: __ Required payment has not been made. __ You repudiated or withdrew your contract to buy. __ You failed to furnish requested shipping instructions. __ Certain goods are back ordered and shipment will be made in single lot. __ Other (Describe) _ Very truly, _______________________________ ...

Notice of Violation of Warranty Exclusion

Dear The (product) which you sent us for repair has been modified in the following manner: (specify) . This modification is a violation of the terms of our warranty. I am forwarding a copy of our written warranty in case you have misplaced yours. You will note that the warranty does not cover "A defect caused by the modification or repair other than through (specify) or its Authorized Agent." We will make the necessary repair for you, if you wish, at our flat charge rate of $ . We have enclosed a card for your convenience with pre-printed instructions. Simply check off the appropriate box and we will act accordingly. We must ask that you remit the cost for repairs with your instructions, if you would like us to service the product. I trust you will understand why we are unable...

Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance

NOTICE OF UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE Date: _ To: _ (Employee) Confirming our meeting relative to certain unsatisfactory aspects of your performance, we expect that in the future you shall improve your performance by: _ We have every confidence the problem will not be repeated. ______________________________ ...

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