Memorandum on Sales Seminar

TO: Bill Meredith FROM: Mr. Chambers SUBJECT: Seminar Dear Bill: A seminar is being held at the Bolten Hotel on June 15, 2006 at 1:00 P.M. on Selling Computerized High Technology. It is being conducted by ABC Corporation and should be extremely informative. We are strongly recommending that every member of the sales force attend this seminar and we will, of course, pay the entrance fees for all those attending. I would appreciate it if you would encourage everyone to go, and provide me with the names of those who will be attending no later than June 1...

Media Survey Form

MEDIA SURVEY How did you learn of our product? A. Television Commercial? Yes_______ No________ If "Yes", which channel?______________________ When? Morning________ Afternoon______ Evening_______ Late Night______ B. Radio Spot? Yes________ No________ If "Yes", which station?_______________________ When? Morning__________ Afternoon________ Evening________ C. Newspaper? Yes_________ No_______ If "Yes", which one?____________________________ D. Store Display? Yes_____ No_______ If "Yes", which store?__________________________ E. Other_________________________________________...

Long Reply to Inquiry About Discontinued Model

Dear Having received your letter regarding your Chambers Mixmaster, I would like to thank you for your kind words about our products. It is heartwarming to know that this appliance remained with your family for nearly thirty years and never "let you down." We only updated our Chambers Mixmaster once, and that occurred in the new 1976 models. Therefore, the model you are referring to would have to be our original style, model # 3309. I regret to say that we do not have any of the discontinued models for I can understand why it held sentimental value for you. I can, however, assure you that our current model which is available in finer department stores and appliance centers has been made with the same fine quality to which you have grown accustomed. You may be surprised to know that it comes...

Letter to Small Businessman in Advance of Collections

Dear As a good businessman, you are aware of the manner in which accounts that have become seriously past due must be handled. I am not going to attempt to think of some clever phrase or witty jingle to get your attention. Neither do I wish to embarrass, intimidate or do any of the nasty things that are often done to encourage payment. I am merely informing you that the account has reached a point where we must decide within a few days whether to turn it over for collection or just hand it to our attorneys, neither of which is our preference. We know that you understand our predicament and are probably experiencing a similar situation with some of your aging accounts. We would like to hear from you and learn what your intentions are in regard to this accou...

Letter to Customer Not Home for Service Appointment

Dear On (date) our serviceman came to your home to install your new (product) and found that there was no one there. This was the date that we had arranged for installation, but I know that things like this can happen. I would appreciate it if you will call me at (telephone), so that we can arrange a convenient time to have this work done for y...

Letter of Resignation

Dear This is to inform you that an opportunity has presented itself that will enable me to work in the area of my stated preference, which is (designate) I am therefore tendering my resignation from your company and wish to advise you that (date) will be my last day of employment. I would like to thank you for the experience of having worked for (name of firm) , a truly outstanding organizati...

Monthly Partial Payment to Creditor

Dear In accordance with our agreement, I am enclosing our check in the amount of $28.46, which represents a minimum payment that you can expect each month from our firm. As you will note, this amount will decrease the balance owing to zero in twelve payments. Naturally, if we can generate a check, either more frequently or in larger amounts, please be assured that we will. Furthermore, we are hopeful that we will be successful in collecting some of our very large receivables, which would enable us to pay the entire amount due. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperati...

Merry Xmas in Many Languages

To our friends all over the world, (name of firm) extends to you and your loved ones our best wishes for a Vrolijke Kersttmis Sarbatori Felicite Joyeux Noel Tin Hao Nian Froeliche Weihnachten Felice Natale Kinga Shinnen Glad Julen Ichok Yilara Boas Festas Chrustovjna Wesloych Swiat Glaedelig Jul Veselele Vanoche Felice Pascuas Sretan Bozic Boldog Karacsonyi Unnepeket Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ye...

Media Survey Form

MEDIA SURVEY How did you learn of our product? A. Television Commercial? Yes_______ No________ If "Yes", which channel?______________________ When? Morning________ Afternoon______ Evening_______ Late Night______ B. Radio Spot? Yes________ No________ If "Yes", which station?_______________________ When? Morning__________ Afternoon________ Evening________ C. Newspaper? Yes_________ No_______ If "Yes", which one?____________________________ D. Store Display? Yes_____ No_______ If "Yes", which store?__________________________ E. Other_________________________________________...

Long Reply to Inquiry About Discontinued Model

Dear Having received your letter regarding your Chambers Mixmaster, I would like to thank you for your kind words about our products. It is heartwarming to know that this appliance remained with your family for nearly thirty years and never "let you down." We only updated our Chambers Mixmaster once, and that occurred in the new 1976 models. Therefore, the model you are referring to would have to be our original style, model # 3309. I regret to say that we do not have any of the discontinued models for I can understand why it held sentimental value for you. I can, however, assure you that our current model which is available in finer department stores and appliance centers has been made with the same fine quality to which you have grown accustomed. You may be surprised to know that it comes...

Letter to Small Businessman in Advance of Collections

Dear As a good businessman, you are aware of the manner in which accounts that have become seriously past due must be handled. I am not going to attempt to think of some clever phrase or witty jingle to get your attention. Neither do I wish to embarrass, intimidate or do any of the nasty things that are often done to encourage payment. I am merely informing you that the account has reached a point where we must decide within a few days whether to turn it over for collection or just hand it to our attorneys, neither of which is our preference. We know that you understand our predicament and are probably experiencing a similar situation with some of your aging accounts. We would like to hear from you and learn what your intentions are in regard to this accou...

Letter Order of Merchandise

Dear Please send me the following items from your Springtime catalog: 1 Freedom 5" Color TV #ACI645 $299 (7.50) $306.50 1 Dog Race Analyzer #WNW209 $ 50 (3.50) 53.50 _______ Total $360.00 I am enclosing my check made payable to you in the amount of $372.25, which includes the cost of handling and shipping. Thank y...

Letter of Understanding Regarding Terms of Proposed Contract

Dear This will confirm that which we discussed during our telephone conversation earlier today. It is agreed that your firm, (name of firm) , will provide the technical support for the (name of project) while we will provide the technical equipment, to your specifications, and all funds necessary, up to (ceiling amount) to complete the (intent) If this meets with your understanding of our conversation, please sign a copy of this letter and return it to my office. Upon our receipt of this verified letter, we will forward same to our attorneys for final contract drafting and revisions. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope to join you soon for a toast to our mutual success in the (proje...

Letter of Follow Up or Duplicate Order

Dear On May 1st we ordered 100 copies of your book, "How to Write Successful Business Letters", but we have not yet received an acknowledgment of that order. As our first order may have gone astray, please consider this a duplica...

Letter of Encouragement to Sales Staff

TO: Sales Department FROM: H.C.C. Dear ( Name of Company ) Family Member: There are two sides to the story, two sides of a coin, and two ways to face the day. There are always the prophets of doom and the cynics who will be happy to lead their followers through long periods of drought and famine. When an unfortunate individual starts blaming his own failures on others, and on conditions over which he has no control, he can usually forget about achieving his goals. There are good times and bad times, but at all times there are sales that are made and sales that are lost. You have all proven that you are not only capable, but excel as salesmen. I am proud of the accomplishments of our sales force and know that nothing can hold back the motivated individual who has an excellent product...

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